... I'm reading that some "high-end" barrel makers tell new owners to expect to have to put 200 rounds down her before she 'smooths out". 😳 When I was a kid chasing Tennessee groundhogs, 200 shots was a lifetime of chuck hunting. Waiting to reach a "broke-in" 200 round count is an unconscionable lifetime of muffed opportunities. We take that fact into account here at the LaRue barrel factory. Here you see the first 3 rounds shot through this brand new LaRue barrel. 🎯 It is our belief that accuracy should be enjoyed, with no waiting ... ML 🎯
705 likesthrillgrissom Got my ultimate kit assembled and to the range for the first time yesterday. It was everything I hoped it would be. A fine rifle. Thanks!
  -  laruetactical @thrillgrissom ... Did it shoot impressive enough groups with decent ammon ?
  -  thrillgrissom @laruetactical it did. I was just using a bag of rice and PMC range ammo at 100y. After the first 5 rounds my dad said - "damn that is a nice group - who made that rifle?"
salerno1263 Amen Brother 😍👏👏 1 like
bklingensmith61 Finally someone get it!! 👏👏
brad_jackie55555 Are you gonna start selling those 5.56 complete uppers again?
gearheadkittykat I bought my first LaRue upper and was sold, so bought another. Definitely sub-MOA out of the box, literally. No break-in necessary. Just need to find the right load but even cheap WWB Q3131 was sub-MOA consistently (0.8" or so).
I'm curious so I borescoped the bore and it looks almost polygonal instead of the traditional button rifling on 5.56/commercial chrome-lined bores. Very cool stuff and great quality!!! I should have went with LaRue 15+ years ago.
ottercreeklabs What specific high end barrel makers are saying that?
clintgovols us us us us
murphy45acp Facts
daughej Nice!!! I think it's time for a new build. . .
tacticalslings Next to impossible to achieve. Match barrel accuracy is achieved through consistent lands and grooves so you don't get rough and slick spots
datlof_ Can't wait for my upper 🍻
joewarner6336 As an ME the idea of shooting in a barrel/gun has never made sense to me, it should be at it's best when new and slowly degrade with wear.
jfpvh What's the most Groundhogs that you have got in a summer..I did a lot of groundhogs Hunting When I was a kid with 22 and 22 Magnum then graduated to my 270 that my cousin reloaded with 110gr. hollowpoint I got even with them at 200 and 300 yards. Then 308 and Then I got a New England 17 HMR WOW for years until I got my first AR.556 16" bushmaster in 2004. I Bought my second AR a Larue OBR 16" I have killed 55 groundhogs this summer the most I've killed is 93 in one summer. With the Little 17HMR. Haven't shot it in years since I bought my first AR it is all I hunt with groundhog predators and yes deer I have a Les Bear AR.308 ☕☕us us
certifiedgunnerboi ML do you have a 16" 5.56 chrome lined barrel
  -  laruetactical @certifiedgunnerboi ... Hell no, we're talking about accuracy here. 3 likes
  -  certifiedgunnerboi @laruetactical can you elaborate more on this. Chrome lined are accurate. I'm considering one of your barrels but I'm looking for chrome lined.
  -  laruetactical @certifiedgunnerboi ... "Accuracy" to you appears to be a subjective thing. I suppose "Accurate Suppressive Fire" is a thing 🤷 2 likes
  -  certifiedgunnerboi @laruetactical not subjective. I own your stuff. I just want to know that the barrel I buy from you guys lasts as long or longer than chrome lined. I'm a Marine, I am accuracy us
  -  laruetactical @certifiedgunnerboi ... You are following 7,500+ Instagram accounts ... meaning you don't have any time left for "accuracy" 2 likes
  -  certifiedgunnerboi @laruetactical sub moa from 1,000 with a regular AR I'd say I'm accurate
  -  certifiedgunnerboi @laruetactical also probably not the best customer service talking down on your loyal customers
  -  laruetactical @certifiedgunnerboi ... And there he goes, slappin' a "cancel culture" mag into his chrome lined laser. 2 likes
  -  certifiedgunnerboi @laruetactical not at all. Will buy one of your barrels and try it out
  -  amaikaimiller @certifiedgunnerboi chrome lining is done to help prevent corrosion in gun barrels. It adds a layer of chrome which is never plated on in an exact uniform matter. So chrome lining will typically degrade accuracy. It is possible to have decently accurate chrome lined barrels, but the max accuracy of chrome lined barrels is lower than stainless or nitride/melonite finishes. Chrome lining is obsolete with newer finish methods such as salt bath nitride and PVD which increase hardness and corrosion resistance without the uneven plating and build up of chrome plating. 5 likes
  -  certifiedgunnerboi @amaikaimiller thank you. This is the reply I was looking for.
  -  laruetactical @amaikaimiller ... Thanks Hoss 💯 3 likes
  -  certifiedgunnerboi @laruetactical thank you. I will be buying one of your barrels after that last comment. That's all I was asking. Thank you sir. Was not intended to offend anyone
  -  certifiedgunnerboi @laruetactical proud Larue customer
  -  dvcasey03 @certifiedgunnerboi wow, why do you have to embarrass us like that? Fuckin POG.
  -  tacticalslings @certifiedgunnerboi I will make it dirt simple. Accuracy is most likely achieved through cutting down the variables. Adding chrome adds another variable and while chrome lined barrels can be accurate they tend to be less accurate because adding a layer of chrome is not a perfect science and consistent thickness of the chrome throughout the length of the barrel is
tacticalslings Also most companies won't talk to customers on the net unless it's a know nothing service rep kidding your ass. I have met LaRue. He is nice enough in person but he won't kiss your ass to make a sale. His products are great and that's why they sell. Years ago I had a company called Tactical Intervention Specialists. I made a ton of slings for precision weapons. My wife said my slings sold in spite of me being an asshole when it came to kissing customers asses. 2 likes
  -  southern_fried_coatings @tacticalslings no more sling making? I'm always down to try a new sling
  -  tacticalslings @southern_fried_coatings I sold the company to Triad Tactical a couple of years ago. He has lots of sling designs. I would be less if I started making slings to compete against him 1 like
guay.ron @pipelnrroupe this is accuracy right out the box 🔥🔥🔥 1 like