... And this is why you assume every horse is a loaded gun. ML
475 likesgunlab_rador_1776 Thought it was a hole from an AR15 at first 1 like
  -  travis_ward1604 @gunlab_rador_1776 damn this was my exact thought too! 1 like
  -  noenabernathy @gunlab_rador_1776 entry hole
  -  gunlab_rador_1776 @noenabernathy obviously
kelal22 😲
kandmblasting Didn't you watch John Wick 3? 2 likes
  -  esqphoto @kandmblasting - Haha! My first thought!!
taniguchimark You becha. I got it in the face. 1 like
  -  458_socalm @taniguchimark I was just about to say I can't believe the people that get kicked in the face and head and live to tell about it 1 like
matta2662 😂 horse hoof equivalent to a 22LR 1 like
bigbrassenergy If a horse takes you out before you're done with that Siete I'm gonna be PISSED!!!! 😂😂😂 1 like
skipjack86 A "loaded" caballo 🐴!!!!
starrtyler375 @bre_a_starr_
  -  bre_a_starr_ @starrtyler375 precisely
bcarley204 Elk hunting in Wyo... you Texas boys are gonna freeze! 1 like
  -  laruetactical @bcarley204 ... Post pics of your bikini-clad wife diving into the Bill Cody Reservoir today ... 2 likes
  -  jordanelmiger @laruetactical Only one end of the lake had ice on it yesterday! (But my weather station read 6⚬ when I left for work)
mikenotgonnagetit Dont get me wrong I like horses and have a healthy respect for them as they also scare the shit outta me.....I dont ever wanna be kicked by one lmao 1 like
shipmangretchen What??? 😳 1 like
mckeonekert Yee Haw!