... Sad news - by some estimates, 10-15% of the Giant Sequoias have been destroyed in recent forest fires ... some of these 1,000 year old 200 feet tall trees have burned right down to the ground. Odd they never burned for thousands and thousands of years until someone got assigned the job of "protecting them". 🧐 Anyhow, damn ... ML
1,630 likeswd2777776 Don't want to lose the trees but would relish the irony of general Sherman being on fire 3 likes
  -  laruetactical ... He didn't want us chasing him back to the Mason Dixon 🤷 1 like
sonofstate What's weird about this story is giant sequoias need fire to reproduce 14 likes
  -  laruetactical @sonofstate ... Weird indeed 5 likes
cotyshores Government has a real knack for screwing everything up it touches 12 likes
josh.macintyre We have some big trees up here in Washington. We lost the worlds largest cedar a few years back. Was just up at the coast and saw the world's largest spruce. Nice tree. If you dig big trees that are thousands of years old. The Grove Of The Patriarch's is a must see! 6 likes
  -  laruetactical @josh.macintyre ... The world's largest cedar tree burned ? Chriminy, you'd think that one tree could've been saved 😳 3 likes
  -  josh.macintyre @laruetactical I think she actually fell down during a thunder storm. If I recall it was struck by lightning or something along those lines.
  -  laruetactical @josh.macintyre ... Natural causes are a fine way to go. 5 likes
will_r_dean As a Southerner living in Atlanta, I find the situation rather ironic.... 2 likes
  -  wpatertr @will_r_dean I'm loving these comments 1 like
recon1212 It's the California's government miss management and private corporations. The forest department doesn't allow controlled burning. The California forestry can't clean up their forest because of the state government's bureaucracy. Not to mention PG&E Corp is being sued by more than 200 victims of the Dixie Fire, adding to the potential wildfire liabilities confronting a utility that barely a year ago emerged from a bankruptcy case sparked by earlier fire damages. These fires are not about global warming or climate change. It's piss poor management and zero accountability for the people in charge in government and private companies. 2 likes
  -  ericgiebel @recon1212 also climate change activists starting them. 2 have been caught basically in the act. Caught one genius hiding under his car 1 like
cdd346 Maybe California climate zealots should stop starting fires and calling it 'climate' 🤷 6 likes
lumberjacked_coder cLiMaTe ChAnGe 2 likes
jph_13 I couldn't care less about the people who keep these scabs in office, but this is too damn far for me. I like old trees better than most people 3 likes
50shadesofgray____ Tying to keep General Sherman from getting burned...ironic😂 2 likes
hobosalt We have an open door 1 like
story5253 This all has to do with improper forest management. If you look at core samples that were done years back it showed every 5-10 year there would be a forest fire. These fires were Mother Nature cleaning up dead fall and underbrush. Since smoky bear and the federal bureau of land management the amount of dead fall and underbrush has become unsustainable and is what is causing all of this. 37 likes
  -  gsdpanzer @story5253 100% correct. 1 like
  -  nickkbruner @story5253 exactly
  -  ericgiebel @story5253 that and leftist arsonists.
  -  usingmyrights We used to have bad forest fires here in FL. Now controlled burns are a regular thing.
pnhurst Most fires are arson, carelessness or sparking from power lines. Very few are natural causes like lightning 4 likes
bland_jamesbland Nothing lasts for ever, nor should it. 1 like
unopposable_thumbs Don't forget Mark. These fires were set by eco-fascist commies. 17 likes
  -  laruetactical @unopposable_thumbs ... They need solid evidence of climate change and don't mind "cookin' the books" 22 likes
  -  hughrerection @unopposable_thumbs last summer we had several fires here in Oregon.. all in the i5 corridor .. all with no official cause .. and no lightning 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @hughrerection ... "Hmmm, could it be, now let me see ... SATAN !!!" 1 like
  -  hughrerection @laruetactical pretty sure it was antifa but almost 2 years later still .. no areasts 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @hughrerection ... Or those infernal electric cars throwing sparks on the Interstate 5 likes
  -  hughrerection @laruetactical no it wasn't electric cars . Pretty sure it was antifa ppl . All rural areas off the highway all along the i5 corridor 1 like
  -  ericgiebel @hughrerection I'd bet money you're right. If not antifa some other leftist domestic t error org
bludc2 Arson and I read they have a terrible power grid that starts fires 6 likes
  -  laruetactical @bludc2 ... So, ironically, it's the squirrel's fault for causing a short 🤷 4 likes
  -  cf69hotrod @bludc2 they do. And then the state government bails out the company that owns the grid on the taxpayer's dime. 1 like
  -  cf69hotrod @bludc2 oh, and nothing really gets fixed or upgraded to prevent future fires. They just shut power lines off, instead. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @cf69hotrod ... Power is a utility, it's costs ultimately carried by the end users 🤷
  -  cncappsjames @bludc2 that amd DECADES of forest mismanagement by Democrats. 1 like
  -  cf69hotrod @laruetactical my point is: They get bailed out by taxpayer's money, but ultimately don't improve or fix anything to prevent these events in the future. Instead, they just cut off power to the customers under bad conditions.
  -  laruetactical @cf69hotrod ... Whatever costs are incurred to get power to customers is passed on to the customers ... with the vig
  -  mikebryan504 @bludc2 As of last year. PGE actually cuts power to a grid when "at risk weather" is eminent. Either way it's a complete shit show.
lasrt13 Very vivid childhood memories of visiting that place. 😢
brent.hibbert It all goes back to people believing in managing the forest which in reality means "NO MANAGEMENT, NO CUTTING, NO THINING" which leads to fires which they believe to be good and beneficial. Which leads to out of controlled fires, which leads to Fire management and control specialists making millions and millions of dollars on fires. So why would they manage it if they can make so much money. They also complain all the time about air quality, well I have had a hard time breathing because of the air quality (smoke) from all the California fires and other liberal states (thank you ). They should be fining California and other states a Million dollars a day while it it burning, then maybe they would look at proper management of the forests. :-)
mb_338winmag3 True👊🏼
mcy.tm 😢😢
hughes_waterfowl_systems Looks good in pictures doesn't it. It will burn form a long time. Perhaps some prescribed burns and a clear cut here and there.
kodiak_precision Damn sad is what it is.
havegregory Way to go #kalifornia
mac_daddy62 They just don't believe in forest management out there 😢
perez2021juan Beautiful tree. We have an amazing Creator. I hope the General stands for many years to come
interpinto The sammich maker and I were just there in August. Amazing trees. Sad about the fire.
stevieb117 Went to northern California to see them in sept 2019. Glad I did, truly amazing sights.
croakvan Ironic if General Sherman is burnt.
mgarfias One of the few things I miss about commiefornia
skipjack86 😮 Uhmm maybe is global warming 🔥🔥, remember the fires 🔥 in Bastrop 2011? This ain't started in Jan 2021... come on Mark, you are a man of science 1 like
  -  cf69hotrod @skipjack86 or maybe it's California's catastrophically failed wildlife and land management policy where they do no controlled burning or weed/brush abatement, like tons of experts have been saying... "mAn Of ScIeNcE" obviously you're not and just fall for whatever political flavor of the week you're told to... 6 likes
  -  laruetactical @cf69hotrod ... After it was out, I flew over the Bastrop fire and could plainly see where it started in someone's backyard 😳 13 likes
  -  the_big_lekautzky @skipjack86 when you turn on your furnace or oven your house doesn't start on fire... years of underfunded and mismanaged natural resource services is the cause. 2 likes
  -  b.d.flow @skipjack86 when you combine arson, poor forest management and a typically dry climate and blame everything on climate change, you should probably stop using the word "science" when referring to your ideological boogeyman. It's real, but it's not responsible for everything. 3 likes
  -  randycalhoundesign @cf69hotrod so true! I saw a map of recent wildfires and "climate change" magically stopped at the state line🤷🏿
  -  rivertaminator @skipjack86 poor forest management had a lot to do with it too. Notice that the state park has drastically increased their controlled burns
  -  cf69hotrod @randycalhoundesign Because it's mostly political narrative, and not actual science. That's that's why they kept changing it from global cooling to global warming to climate change. Because there's no real science or substance to the matter. The Earth's climate has been changing literally since it became into being. It has both been It's significantly hotter and colder than it is now. In fact with an As recent as about a 1000 to 2000 years it was substantially hotter than it is now. All this climate change nonsense really is is politicized alarmism and fear mongering for political gain. Science his gain. Science has absolutely been perverted and corrupted by politics. 1 like
leviboykin Sad if it goes. Sequoias are amazing. It would be ironic that the one named after Sherman would burn down.
wpatertr @laruetactical please tell me you recognize the irony here lmao
skwerl13 🧡
legionpreparedness The irony is the pine cones of these trees will not open to seed unless exposed to fire. California's forest fire policy is one of the biggest man made disasters in America. Putting out every little fire is the reason California has so much undergrowth in it's forest which has made the state an enormous tinderbox as well as stopped forest growth in many areas.
jcschumpert Ironic that something named after sherman would be protected from fire 😑
mikenotgonnagetit Californians ruin everything they touch. And now they are moving here
n.zac I wonder if their budget got a little light and they had to necessitate their existence 🔥
tycatalone Humans fuck everything good up.
  -  perez2021juan @tycatalone Especially California law maker humans 1 like
ericgiebel We're we been arsonists caught causing some of these fires. I'd bet money I could guess who is funding these people. These aren't all naturally caused.
teamgoldeneagle Wish we secured our nation's border from "wildfire" lol
mckeonekert Looks what I called a gob job ankle tape job I used to get from my college basketball athletic trainer.
davewitte I would like to know who thought aluminum foil around the base of the tree would protect it from a forest fire?
metallicasma Darn climate change proving itself to be true and definitely not a hoax, darn climate change, definitely not a manufactured crisis to bring in more government overreach. Darn climate change, grrrrrr 😡
bruceshibley Newsom is a disaster but somehow he received more votes in his all mail in recall than in his original election. Imagine that. 29 likes
  -  laruetactical @bruceshibley ... That's truly "Odd news" ... gov't sure has got this election thing down pat. 🤷 15 likes
  -  bruceshibley @laruetactical what was perfected in California was taken national in 2020... just wait for 2022 and beyond... 4 likes
  -  hughrerection @laruetactical it's not like the the same government that Riggs elections in other countries would like cheat an election here man right. 🙄 2 likes
  -  elrodstallard @laruetactical you mean the Democrats sure have got this election thing down. The Republicans are still chasing their tails 3 likes
david_hyer If the roots die the trees die blanket wont help shit
  -  laruetactical @david_hyer ... Well, damn again. 🙁
cincyspqr They really think that'll protect it? 😂😂
nvbuckaroo2005 Truth ranchers who are grazing cattle, goats, sheep, logging. People who care about the land are the ones who are getting the blame. Instead of the person who read it in a book who says the can do it better.
raymond_luxury_yatch Their solution is $20 worth of mylar blankets... I put more effort in picking out what to wear when I go to the grocery store.
my_old_kentucky_homeboy What's funny is that the big eco terror groups like Sierra club and green peace etc have been quiet as a church mouse about the forest fires but when I was a kid they would chain themselves to em and shit like that now their handlers are saying shut up this is profitable
byrdprecision I'm alright with "General Sherman" being reduced to ashes 2 likes
  -  taylor.pics1 @byrdprecision cringe
snugglywuggely What's also weird is that there isn't really much to burn beyond a low temp smolder around the bases of those trees.
heyyy_ryan When you don't cull the trees, the forest will cull itself, and you with it.
surfinnh @laruetactical your right the stupid fucks are what caused these fires
bordeth Cali is the perfect example of a self perpetuating Charlie Foxtrot. Beautiful state run by the village idiots.
ericgiebel @d_mo88 guarantee many more still not been caught