... A 1 PercentAR you say ?!?! How's that oh King of the Boomers ? ... This requires beer math 🍺 ... We are making 100 Accurate AF barrels a day x 5 days = 500 per week x 50 weeks = 25,000 per year x 10 years = 250,000 accurate AF LaRue barrels in the wild. Remember that number. Now we have to guesstimate how many ARs there's gonna be in 10 years = my wild ass guess is 25 million. 250,000 is 1% of 25 million. Plain and simple and way under an inch 🎯 ML
1,311 likesgblen2014 Bwuhahahahahaha!! 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @gblen2014 ... You might've Bidened your pants. 2 likes
  -  gblen2014 @laruetactical Bwuhahahahahaha!! ........I've come close and old enough to know at my age to never trust a fart...
  -  gblen2014 @laruetactical I actually like@your products and have been a fan for sometime....I've had a couple of your rifles I used through my years in law enforcement..
  -  laruetactical @gblen2014 ... An old L/E guy told me years ago the definition of a "moment" is the amount of time it takes you to realize it wasn't a fart. 3 likes
turkameron Laruetactical is one of my favorite Instagram accounts to follow. The products overview/updates are good but I really appreciate the random drops of knowledge for us all to gnaw on. 1 like
sparkyjok3r1911 Saving up for one of your rifles now but say i was after a 16" PredatAR 7.62 but in 6.5CM would that be possible?
  -  laruetactical @sparkyjok3r1911 ... Perhaps, loaded as a Sabot round🤷 2 likes
lphy MBT-2S math must be off the charts then 🔥 2 likes
jsmith_409 Highly unlikely any of my current ones won't be burnt out by then. There will definitely be LaRue's replacing them though. 1 like
rockywatson812 Mark, When did you start making your own barrels? I've got an OBR 5.56 from 2010 or 2011. 1 like
terrygrayson 😉
billsnearly What if someone has 4 of them?
tonymarazzo Lol
rooster.medic Are your LAT rails in stock?
sjbassen I'd love to upgrade the LW barrels in my O.G. OBR's...
thecodystone Hopefully I'll have my suurg suppressor shipped to my SOT by then.
0311gunner Nothing better in two of my rifles!
parallax_error1 I was in the first run, I think. Was almost 16 mo for PredatAR at the time w LaRue barrel.
llllleoc Im@from San Antonio can I buy an oil filter plssss
valawdog Unlike Kyle Rittenhouse, I'm guilty as charged.
texasaggietom I got mine in 2013 so I must be pretty close by now.
pawpawlammy He must have used common core!! 🤬 lattice! 🤬
acp_trainer 👏