Beer math provided ... thanks for your business. ML
978 likestactical_brass_recovery Damn🔥
todd.ritz Not that you would, but don't EVER, EVER, EVER sacrifice your ABSOLUTE quality to appease the masses (people complaining about lead times)!
timothyneal58 Guess they got trigger happy
nathingtwo 👏👏 Finally got to shoot most of mine.
lvthkthighs I'm so happy I ordered mine a few weeks ago and got it in days instead of weeks. 😳😳
roaming_91 Sent you a dm in regards to the predatOBR.
mr_krackers Triggered
mal1nis Please let us order MBT-1S, even as backorder is fine.
mini_big_one @laruetactical how many piece orders do you get with government contracts? That one picture had so many egg crates of scope bases 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @mini_big_one ... Truth is that most Night Vision Devices (NVDs) used by our troops run LaRue mounts and the U.S.Marines have all but standardized on LaRue mounts ... so to answer your question we routinely see mount contracts/orders with quantities of 10,000 to 50,000 LaRue mounts us 17 likes
  -  deepsquats.longshots @laruetactical hot dang, at this point we practically need to thank your machinists for their service. Good stuff 1 like
  -  mini_big_one @laruetactical I really want to learn how to business from you. I can't imagine 50k pcs for a contract order. Makes me sweat even hearing about it.
advancedshootinganalytics @laruetactical what I most want to know is how many people you have doing product engineering and design. What is your focus beyond vision?
mcsweeney_762 Mine is scheduled to arrive Tuesday and I can't wait. us
nwprepped Best trigger for the money in my opinion. 🔥🔥
edc3304 Best get making some triggers
mattkarpowicz Thanks for making the best triggers out there. Only ones I'll use.
frogman_tactical Good job.
goldenagesupply Damn! That's awesome
joe.shelby88 I demand a recount on these triggers
michael.sheldon.1 Why not manufacture a Scorpion Evo trigger?
  -  laruetactical @michael.sheldon_1 ... We ain't hard up for things to sell, and shucks, we'd crank up our LaRue single stagers if we had enough elbow room.
jcmerz Ship mine
jeg95 I love my trigger I got earlier in the year, and the great price was a bonus.
raknick187 @laruetactical any chance you're gonna do another run of single stage triggers? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @nicksheets187 ... they are not done in "runs" ... the line is manned and turned on. And yes, when the time is right. 2 likes
hardmacksmith Eta 78 weeks.......
eadie.steve Damn impressive!
tacojose What's the lead time if you ordered on 11/6
tonyjoepen Damn, the single stage says sold out. I have the 2 stage in all my ARs but I guess I waited too long to try the singles.
mwright936 Yay I'm part of a statistic 😎
arizona_twelve_sixtysix I'm triggered. If that made you laugh Mark I deserve a free one. 😂
candrews01 @laruetactical what's rough lead time for full rifles
ltdanmfer Good for you guys! When will your single stage triggers be back in stock?
disappointeddan For the price and quality, I'm not going back to the old geissele. These triggers are phenomenal. 4 likes
  -  dodesvw @disappointeddan I use a geissele g2s and love it. Just ordered the larue 2 stage for another build. How would you say they compare? 1 like
  -  philly_phil___ @dodesvw let's put it this way, they're probably equivalent in terms of quality, but one of them is less than $100 bucks and the other....isn't 5 likes
  -  lennymart32 @philly_phil___ this is a very accurate statement. I have MBT2S triggers in 5 rifles and spent less than I would have on 2 Geisel leg and got equal quality, if not better! 2 likes
  -  dodesvw @philly_phil___ @lennymart32 thanks, that's great to hear 👍🏽
  -  trapshootb @lennymart32 I would dare to say better ! I have them in 3 and Hand Down Best Trigger for the price or any price for that matter 👍 1 like
madmatt360360 I got 2, you're awesome by the way. I'm only buying LaRue from now on.
jarvoisier How are the back ordered pivot mount LT755's coming along?? 🙏🏾🙏🏾 can't wait to receive and put my Aimpoint 3x on M4 😎
brandondavison Single stage please!!! Or at-least a waiting list or something
kythes 😲
jake0861 When will the MBT-1S triggers be available again, even as a back order? 1 like
  -  mesooohoppy @jake0861 they have no plans to make more. Plz spam @laruetactical like I do.
daveclayton_ Ordered mine Monday morning, was here in Phoenix Thursday afternoon. Awesome service
critter_gitter23 @laruetactical When are the mbt-1s be back in stock??
perro_y_bombero The only good way to be triggered. 1 like
sausageinazipper Hey Mike, I love your LT101 and MBT-2S. Phenomenal stuff and thanks for being a patriot!
el_blanco_jorge Woooo!!! I had two of them 👍👌🏻👌🏻👍👌🏻us us us
kurtcwarner How far out are we lookin if one was to order one today 😢 lol
  -  laruetactical @kurtcwarner ... you'll get it quicker than if you wait a week to order 76 likes
  -  kurtcwarner @laruetactical 😂 sold 2 likes
  -  jcg006 @kurtcwarner I just got mine yesterday and it took about a week and a half to be delivered. Not bad at all with current times. 2 likes
bokevv How many beers were crushed in the time it took to do this beer math though? 🍻
jeeparoni I'd like to order a single stage! I don't care if it's on back order! How do I order one? I believe that your website won't let me order at the moment. 5 likes