... I slapped a Nightforce on the truck gun seen in my last IG and shot the "1MOA All Day Challenge" (five 5-shot groups all shot on one piece of paper / 100 yards). I shot fast and suppressed with Hornady 140ELD. 0.749 moa average. Meh, I'll take it seein' as I've been running around all day long today guzzling coffee, and was shakin' like a cat shittin' on a sheet of ice. ML
613 likesdef3va Heads are exploding... 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @def3va ... I'd post it in Akethan's thread, but for one little issue ;-) 2 likes
  -  thirtythree_three @laruetactical Anybody who is worth their salt has been banned at one point or another.... 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @def3va ... I notice that bolt face aiming point is a lousy visual to show off groups. ML 3 likes
coach_clete 🍻
whatarewedo1ng 🔥 Come on with the order email!! I have a TranQuilo needing a bolt gun!
freakinout But the feelz
jeromy001 So jealous! Well done sir!
cts304 Awesome groups
bankswj 👏Shakin' like a dog tryin' to pass a peach pit! 1 like
mjaws117 @the_lukerussell
kingmackerel Get those shaky ass hands back to the office and build my blaster!
Order No. 754765 1 like
icecoldmn Where is the love for the 260 and 308,really want a magnum but will settle 😂 1 like
akethan762 Very nice shooting for a truck gun. 🤣
treylillich Good shooting Tex
def3va Agree! You could take your 4-position target and make a 5-position version. 1 like
timmy_tomahawk 👍🤠👍
eadie.steve I look forward to beating that!😉 1 like
  -  laruetactical @eadie.steve ... So do I. Lean on that trigger until she takes you by surprise. ML
  -  laruetactical @eadie.steve ... Years ago I was at a local machine gun shoot. One of the guys had an ancient iron-sighted 8mm Mauser with a rusty bucket of cave ammo. I'd lean on the trigger until she let the hammer fly and a 1/3rd of the time I'd get an audible "click". You can't "jump" a surprise break, but the rifle's owner made the comment "Sir, you've got nerves of steel !!" ;-) ML 1 like