... Truck gun - ML
603 likesjkub81 Jeep gun
treylillich I am not sure what the MSRP will be, but I bet that is one expensive truck gun! Needs sights
tscott514 You can send me on too. Will put it too good use.
def3va "Olivia" says Helloooooo! 2 likes
jfpvh Deer hunting rifle yes truck gun I don't know? My truck gun is my OBR 556 😍us us ☕☕ 1 like
thiswildadventure Mark, whose pic rail adapters are you liking?
titan_rook Geez! The machining is so smooth it almost looks CGI rather than a photo of a tangible item. Received my MBTs today, too; a 1S & a 2S-SB. 1 like
sendit_mrad I understand the truck fun length, but won't be getting one unless the forend is extended on it. I would buy an barreled action if sold and put it into a MPA Matrix chassis. 1 like
divingdriver That is a schweet set up.
xxgunner63xx Hey Mark, any idea yet on cost?
cts304 Beautiful build, everything LaRue puts out is top of the line performance
bgoodman 🤡
byrdprecision Is that paint or ano?
  -  laruetactical @byrdprecision ... Ano - ML 2 likes
wolfsprairieoutdoors Look at those sleek lines 👍😎 Love it!
him72984 Take my money
kodiak_precision Outstanding!!