... A mock-up of the brace-equipped 10" Siete Pistol ... let me know if we're on the right track - ML
747 likescanemovium Needs more of a cheek weld. 2 likes
  -  kevinmichael_67 @canemovium Would the ATF still consider it a brace if it had a cheek piece of some sort?
  -  laruetactical @gt500kevin ... Saw that, I think he was being funny - ML
  -  canemovium @laruetactical for cheek firing...
  -  laruetactical @canemovium ... So then, you weren't kidding ?
  -  canemovium No...not kidding 😂. Folding mechanism looks like standard Larue-badassery. I think the brace would look better/ function better as a beefier unit. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @canemovium ... "Brain Surgery and Light Hauling" -I looked at your IG page ;-) 1 like
canada.dri Love it 🧡
canada.dri 👋🙌
230grainhardball Pistols are cool and the "in" thing now, I get it. But I like me a traditional rifle. Think the propeller heads you've got locked up, noodling out the hard stuff could work out a two piece Picatinny scope base set with a folding ghost ring in the rear base? Mated to a ramped base front sight of course.
b00sted1 Wow 1 like
modest_omega Good grief 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻
lukelj72 Looking good👍. Who's folder mechanism?
lehmanterms Its awsome, but I have no need or desire for a bolt action pistol, if you had a longer barrel model in a nice walnut stock, I'd be on that like a fat kid on cake. 2 likes
jamq82 @laruetactical is the website down I can't access it on my WiFi and my vpn
ralph124c41 I would much prefer a traditional chassis rifle, 20" barrel, 308 caliber. I am really looking forward to having one of these. Thanks for all the great pictures and ideas. 1 like
lmorgan97 I've got the craving for a Siete us 👌🏻 1 like
eadie.steve From an aesthetic POV it is a winner. How are the ergonomics?
fftcolorado Looks great.. still waiting to see a Siete in a wood stock
800mzero Needs more wood stock
kodiak_precision Terrible idea....ha. LaRue designs everything and just rocks it, period!
helodriver1 Love it!! You're on the right track.
mcdudelife Perhaps a pic mount on the back like most subguns are using these days instead of the classic ar buffer tube thread
  -  laruetactical @mcdablife ... Easy enough, screw-in adapter with pic rail on it. ML 2 likes
  -  mcdudelife @laruetactical i was just thinkin that would cut down on the oal a lil , awesome setup tho
j1mdna Honestly that is exactly what the world needs
lastshadowtx @laruetactical 🤙🤙🤙🤙
canyonautotucson 👏👏👏👏👏👏
josh.macintyre The only thing wrong is it's not mine yet!
blackcollararms FWIW, the fine wonderful folks at the ATF decided (and have been enforcing) that a pistol brace-equipped pistol cannot have a length of pull over 13.5 inches. Apparently that invalidates the brace's status as an arm brace and, in their interpretation, makes it a shoulder stock. 9 likes
  -  laruetactical @blackcollararms ... Thanks for the excellent pro-tip. ML 1 like
  -  _dziii_ Any documented cases you could point me towards? Thanks in advance
  -  80percentarms @laruetactical this is incorrect, and a common misconception 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @80percentarms ... What is ?
  -  brandonproctor1 @blackcollararms everything I've read says that the ATF never formally released that nor have they enforced it, it was just one agents opinion in a interview with KAK.
  -  ianmixon1 @brandonproctor1 I saw actual letterhead .
  -  ianmixon1 @brandonproctor1 yep, if you google ATF folding Brace about a dozen articles refer to the corresponding letter
  -  czsterling @blackcollararms LOP is measured from the middle of the trigger to the end of the buttstock. As a pistol brace by definition is not a stock there's no such thing as LOP on a pistol. 4 likes
  -  djrndibs @ianmixon1 letters do not mean sh!t till it goes through the courts and the ATF knows they are screwed if it gets to the SCOTUS.
  -  gearheadworks @brandonproctor1 they actually did try to enforce it in OH and that length has been written in letters for a few years now. 3 likes
  -  blackcollararms Yes, this has been stated in ATF letters many times over the past few years and, yes, they tried to prosecute someone last year using this and other things. They lost that particular case in a big part because they measured length of pull incorrectly (at an angle rather than parallel with the bore). Who knows what would have happened if the AR pistol really was over 13.5 inches LoP 🤷. It's true that this is NOT actual law. But ATF determinations have held the force of law in the past and they can, will, and are prosecuting based on this 13.5-inch thing. @blackcollararms 1 like
  -  modest_omega @czsterling you win the internet today sir
  -  laruetactical @blackcollararms ... I checked and was at 14.75" LOP. So I'll knock an inch and a half off and be safely at 13.25" - ML 3 likes
  -  scottyguns5437 @laruetactical I know SB Tactical sent out a request for an opinion letter from the ATF indicating that their braces may be shouldered and are good completely legal so long as the new owner doesn't mess with it i.e. removing the strap. They post the letter all over their website and I think one is included in the sale of new braces. Might not be a bad idea to request a similar official letter especially since this is becoming a growing grey area in the law. 1 like
  -  brandonproctor1 @gearheadworks like I said I didn't see it but ignorance isn't an excuse so I gotta dig deeper I guess
  -  jasonk7474 @laruetactical I would definitely suggest keeping it under 13.5 we do offer some options on standard milspec buffer tubs to keep them under. They are added to the tube to shorten lop. I use your buffer in many cases instead off ours and use the lop stops we sell for our adjustable braces. If your interested I can send you a few braces to try and see if there is anything you like... sb tactical is the originator of the arm brace and as such hold the relevant patents. Ps the new rifle platform is incredible!!!! And my obr is still my go to!!
  -  jasonk7474 @czsterling that sounds great but in the world we actually live in and the guidelines we have to follow to put products on the street LOP on pistol braces is a huge thing.... nothing like having to tell a million customers that we sold braces to by the way your brace is know Illegal because we didn't follow what we where told... until the apocalypse happens the atf is the ruling body, the principle office, the interpreter what ever you want to call them!!! whether we like it or not. They hold all the cards.
kcgunner 🔥🔥🔥 bitchin
spectrebravo @laruetactical Why the AR15 style buffer tube socket and not a vertical 1913 rail, i.e. MCX. 4 likes
  -  ianmixon1 @spectrebravo @laruetactical I would also second this. A wire collapsing brace similar to the MCX would allow different LOP 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @spectrebravo ... Me doin' me. ML 4 likes
  -  danhaaf @spectrebravo I also share this thought. It's a great looking weapon system but that round buffer tube "socket" at the end of an equilateral-ish chassis is just not flowing. I was thinking more of a folding stock similar to the Remington RACS chassis. @laruetactical 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @danhaaf ... The great thing is you can always pull the Siete's chassis off and put on any of the $1,500-$2,000 chassis's that your heart desires. ML 1 like
  -  laruetactical @danhaaf ... My guess is you'll go "For the money, this LaRue Siete chassis is versatile and badass." 1 like
  -  danhaaf @laruetactical you specifically asked for opinions... "Let me know if we're on the right track." I gave mine, others gave theirs. 1 like
  -  danhaaf @laruetactical I do think that the chassis is bad ass and beautiful, like all your products.
easyeastsails 👌