... "Firearms News" has a nice review ARticle about our LaRue MBT-2S ... (it's right now near the top of their website). Y'all bought a lot of MBT-2S triggers since we launched OctobARfest 2021 ... latest count is 8,700 (87K ... if ya know ya know😎) bought and shipped since launch of LaRue OctobARfest 💪 ML
684 likesbigaggiemike I just read the article. Good review and high praise for a great trigger produced by a great company! Well done, Mark! 👏
  -  laruetactical @bigaggiemike .. Hey !! Thanks for reading it !! You might have been the only one that did !! 1 like
tko_tourguide Any word on a single stage trigger? 1 like
  -  mym4ismybuddy @tko_tourguide gone for good is what larue customer service told me
  -  tko_tourguide @mym4ismybuddy thanks for the info! 1 like
  -  cdogg626 @mym4ismybuddy why?? Were they not popular?
  -  mym4ismybuddy @cdogg626 got me man
  -  laruetactical @mym4ismybuddy ... It's not a case of "popular" We set single stagers aside to take confusion out of the trigger shop. MBT-2S triggers sell briskly and require all we can do to keep up. We're out of space and can't pour concrete without going through the city's hoops which I eschew 🤷 1 like
  -  mym4ismybuddy @laruetactical ? I think you tagged me and meant to tag the other guy.
  -  laruetactical @mym4ismybuddy .. I shoot 3" groups tagging 🤷 3 likes
  -  mym4ismybuddy @laruetactical what?
  -  mym4ismybuddy @laruetactical the other guy asked the question.
  -  tko_tourguide @mym4ismybuddy I believe @laruetactical is saying that he is good at shooting, and not so much on tagging lol. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @tko_tourguide ... LOL 😂😂 Thank you !!
  -  mym4ismybuddy @tko_tourguide Roger that. 1 like
  -  mym4ismybuddy @laruetactical I shoot 20" groups in reading comprehension 1 like
bigaggiemike I've got one in my custom build #300hamr and also in my .223 that came with the LaRue accuracy package I purchased. They are exceptional triggers!
  -  laruetactical @bigaggiemike ... You bought an L.A.P. !! Have you grouped the 5.56 barrel ?!?!
  -  bigaggiemike @laruetactical not yet. I'll let you know how it goes. 1 like
timlad07 Any way of getting these triggers in the UK GB
  -  laruetactical @timlad07 ... Didn't Sabre Defense owner Guy Savage go to prison for taking triggers into the UK ?😳 1 like
  -  thirtythree_three @timlad07 First you need to learn proper pistol stance.... 😂
  -  timlad07 @laruetactical no, he was selling dodgy converted firearms, he imported some Imbel full auto lowers amount other things and sold them off to civvies
fibesboy I can't decide on the flat or curved one? 🙈🙈🙈🙈
  -  mysupercleverusername @fibesboy i prefer flat when i can get it. 2 likes
  -  mrfla04 @fibesboy I really like the flat one 1 like
d_m_g_3 Love mine just waiting for the redrop of single stage ones 😢
  -  mym4ismybuddy @d_m_g_3 they're gone forever homie 2 likes
  -  d_m_g_3 @mym4ismybuddy why so mean 😂 1 like
  -  mym4ismybuddy @d_m_g_3 I know man, I'm sorry 😔
tyrelsackett777 Installed mine last week. 👍
thecodystone How many suppressors have you made since OctobARfest?
capt.johnnynottingham I've got a couple and they're nothing short of incredible!
mckeonekert Congrats!
kevinmichael_67 Great trigger. Are you making a Christmas Dillo this year? 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @kevinmichael_67 ... Yes, and I've been kicking holes through drywall to get the team to step it up. Tomorrow is 12/1/21😳 8 likes
  -  usgeneral25 @laruetactical gotta add to my dillo collection 1 like
  -  brendentallguy @laruetactical yes, gotta add!
mal1nis Relaunch a limited run of the single stage triggers please. 1 like
cake.robot Just need that flat to go on sale so I can snag a couple more 1 like
guerrilla_chinchilla It's the best trigger to be had
gunnut2080 One of my favorite and go too trigger. I have 3
christiangrest I have a half dozen of them and continuously recommend them to friends. Did a video review of them a while back. Awesome triggers!
bobby_larue When are you gonna have more single stage triggers in??
dallas258 Yes I I got my order last week 5 of them
ryanchilders259 Put them in all my AR's
191_9x23 A bit off topic but... any plans to do another run off complete Larue lowers with that beautiful trigger installed? 1 like
  -  markuswhitworth77 @191_9x23 yep I missed out on the Covid complete lowers. Are you gonna run some Mark? 2 likes
builders_best_coils Gonna be picking up two here shortly. If I remember correctly you said they were nitrided? That was what sold me on swapping out the geissele for this.
  -  builders_best_coils @laruetactical that's perfect along with the extra corrosion resistance for this bi-polar Midwest weather. Exactly what I have been looking for. Do you know what the trigger pull would be like if the springs were replaced with mil-spec springs when it's time to change 3m out? And do they come with a full power hammer spring?
themostamateurgunsmith Because it's a fantastic trigger, and going into all my builds.
doneitdeliberatev3 Been waiting for the single stage for about a year now.
drjwmeyn Can't stress this enough, but I use the MBT series of triggers for all my AR-15 builds and they can not be beat at any price. They are at worst the peer to Hyperfire and Geissele, and at best easily equal the units coming out of Knight's. Can not be bested at the price they are sold at. Recommend them to friends all the time and they all heartily agree after using them. 1 like
craigthomas4699 Hey @laruetactical fans, go over to Old Gray Man Club on Facebook to vote for LaRue over SOLGW in the semifinals. https://www.facebook.com/104708594573413/posts/460178382359764/ 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @craigthomas4699 ... Well, we're operating a 150 CNCs out of 100,000 sq ft with a $30,000 dollar a month electric bill. Hope this helps .. 4 likes
  -  craigthomas4699 @laruetactical That was my argument. One is a rifle manufacturer. The other is a rifle assembler. They are not on the same level! 2 likes
mym4ismybuddy @laruetactical bring back the single stage homez