... Tinnitus !!! When I picked up my hearing aids (which BTW, I love), I asked the tech where the Tinnitus on/off switch was. He laughed and told me tinnitus is your brain filling in the blanks where it's not getting a tone signal anymore. Those areas you can no longer hear during a hearing test, your brain says "I got this" then it backfills in a haphazard manner, which sounds to you like one long "eeeee eeeEEEEeeeeEEEEeeee"
I might have missed some of what he was saying as I didn't have my hearing aids in yet, but you get the gist of it. Anyhow, I went to find a source to cite, and found this.
https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/rebooting-brain-helps-stop-ring-tinnitus-rats ... If you have anything to add, be my guest. If you just want to tear holes in my story, pound sand as I'll still have tinnitus when you're done. 👂 ML
752 likesthe_gidds I actually are getting my first aids. Any recommendations?
d.w.jones Shot a 50 without hearing protection. Thank God my right ear was down. Left ear is damaged. Got in a hurry and forgot.
civsix Have worn hearing aids since I was 5. On my 7th pair. Love that they have Bluetooth HAs with adjustable noise cancellation now that I can use for ignoring people instead of hearing them. My tinnitus only kicks in if I really try to listen for it
ganesha.football Huh? I cant hear you over the ringing in my ears. 😂 2 likes
jabon_clamshell WHAT?
salerno1263 I'm right there with you Brother had my hearing aids for 3 years 43% hearing loss over the years love hearing my wife again and it has improved my teaching firearms. No shame in hearing loss wish I could have gotten them sooner 👍
toyzukichev I run a floor fan on speed level max at night to sleep & I just think about all the boys in all the conventional wars no foam ear plugs ever - they had it worse than anybody. Met a B29 pilot from dubaya dubaya 2 back in late '90s... he told (yelled at) me the plane made him almost deaf even w coms over his ears
  -  laruetactical @toyzukichev ... Damn, headsets then were crude AF. Now I take off with a noise cancelling headset. If I forget to turn on the Noise attebtunustion
  -  laruetactical @laruetactical ... to turn on the noise attenuation feature, the engine sounds like it's trying to go overboard.
458_socalm DAMNIT! I tgought these were inserts that were gonna negate tinnitus!!
boelt63a Huh? 1 like
vytal_mfg I feel like mine has been worse the last couple weeks. God bless a lifetime of playing live music and shooting guns 🧡 1 like
robbie.horne.17 My hearing aids have crashing waves 🌊 in the background to mask the ringing I have. It takes some getting used to but it's worth it. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @robbie.horne.17 ... My tinnitus sounds like a million crickets. I put them on ignore. 🤓 3 likes
  -  datburgess3 @laruetactical mine sounds like the ocean a lot and bad ringing. No hearing aids lol
  -  robbie.horne.17 @laruetactical mine used to do the same, I'd get the occasional change in pitch and it would scare the hell out of me. Now it's just the calming waves crashing. 1 like
ursusarctos901 Any recommendations I need to do this .
parallax_error1 I just turn the volume up more to make the ringing go away. 1 like
eadie.steve Mine is the sound of a jet engine whine. When I am flying I hardly notice it... 1 like
thejaysituation And this.... This is why I wrote The Silencer Sound Standard. 1 like
thejaysituation Sorry for your hearing damage. Many folks suffer from it; hope you are doing well, otherwise. 1 like
adhoc.artisan Tinnitus is so irritating. Cordyceps mushrooms seem to have multiple compounds that aid in the repair of elastin & return function. Just have to eat the expensive orange buggers. 1 like
divingdriver Yep I'm in the club myself. I've got 40 years or so of driving big rigs to thank for it. Sometimes I don't notice it other times it's the loudest sound in the house 1 like
johnnywayne3 Hope you get well soon!
him72984 I have it in my left ear. I keep those that aren't important on my left side. 1 like
bjboh1 When I was 8 I lost my hearing in my right ear from a infection. Since then I have had tinnitus that is a loud ringing. I block it out except when I think about it, or when someone brings it up....... like when I read your post! Thanks @laruetactical
Mark keep making great products love your stuff ....... got a 7.62 lower a few months ago and a UU is in the cards soon! 1 like
steve180p They used to mount the siren and air horns on the roof of the cab .... now it's like a constant siren. Could be worse
terryccason I try to explain to people who don't know me ow my hearing works now. There are frequencies that I hear fine, go slightly above or below and . . . nothing. Makes it sound like parts of words are missing, just noise in there place, but I can fill in okay as long as I can see you talking. My brain coordinates what I'm hearing with what I'm seeing and spits out what it thinks it all means. The masks really make a mess of this.
vine_matt Spent 6 years in the engine room if Uncle Sam's Submarine Engine-rooms where earpro was not an option. Love w Tinnitus every day. Just gotta deal.
  -  laruetactical @vine_matt ... Dad was damn near deaf from diesel engine rooms in submarines.
  -  vine_matt @laruetactical on modern subs, you'd go deaf quickly in the diesel room
treylillich I have worn hearing aides for close to 20 years. My tinnitus is ever present. Some days it's barely noticeable and other days its overbearing. You live with it. I love being able to bluetooth my hearing aides and phone! Good luck! 4 likes
easyozie.eddie Mine is ever present and loud AF from shooting without ear pro and Meniere's disease. I hope these devices provide you a bit of relief. v/r 3 likes
logan6163 I'm not deaf. I CAN HEAR THE RINGING JUST FINE. 23 likes
curtdemel What was that you said?? @laruetactical
big_shooter01 I had it for almost 10 years from competition car audio ( I know..) but it went away?
cncappsjames Having worked in machine shops for the better part of 30 years, I "hear" that tone every night when I go to bed or when it's really quiet. Hearing aids are in my future no doibt. Sooner rather than later most likely. It gets REALLY loud when I've got ear pro in. Let us know how those hearing aids work out for you @laruetactical . 2 likes
pew_pew_ca_choo Between military, shooting and my entire adult life working with loud bands, I hear the ringing at night when it's quiet. Always hoping it doesn't get worse. 2 likes
trapshootb Crazy how you take your hearing for granted when you're young man. But it's the same thing my Grandfather and Dad did so🤷 I never used hearing protection growing up! All those Goose blinds, Duck hunts ..... Dove hunting Started at Age 10 with Winchester Model 42 😊 now 60 ish can't hear shit but that Amazing ring 😊 3 likes
twojsdad I've had tinnitus in my left year for years and now it's developing in my right rear as well. Ranges from barely perceptible to "Please fucking make it stop!" I have tried hearing aids but at the time I only qualified for one in my left ear and it caused more problems than it was worth. 1 like
mckeonekert Tried em & didn't help the tinnitus. Hope it helps you!
joeytippit19 It sux...but it is what it is....
_dannycontreras My dad will be needing some of these soon. Any brand you'd recommend?
garrettpino @laruetactical glad you like them and are spreading positive info. I just left 12 years of operating room medical sales to be a sales rep for one of the top 3 hearing aid manufacturers. I'm learning a lot about them and how much they help people who have had hearing loss. 1 like
reluctant_hobby_farmer Sounds louder than most things I hear most days. Worse when it's quiet, like when I'm trying to sleep. I have almost four years on the flight deck to thank for mine. Dang those Tomcats were loud in burner. 3 likes
garrettpino @laruetactical why didn't you pick rechargeable?
corey_bach58 And this is why everyone should be able to shoot suppressed 😎 12 likes
rogersgunworks4 Now I at least have a better idea of what's going on. Thanks ML🤣🤣
johnnybwildered Mine help with the tinnitus after some tuning. I think it's more my brain learning to ignore it in favor of relavent sounds that are now amplified. The Austin VA used to do a tinnitus clinic to help guys that we're losing sleep over it. They said it's like the cable box light in a dark room as opposed to a sunny day. Laying in the dark it's all you see (hear) but with other noise it can be easier to ignore. Though I do get the frequent blasts where everything gets drowned out for the EEeeeeeeee. 2 likes