... Signing the annual Hot Towel letters is a labor of love. Shipping plunked the pile on me and said "Time's running out Boss, we gotta get these towels boxed and shipped." So, here I am on this fine Sunday morning, at the alter of the Bottomless Ink Pen us ML
493 likeskngarthr8219 Sir, have you ever consider replacing the "AR" label with "DR" (defense rifle)? ... I know the A is for armalite
  -  pewpewvette @kngarthr8219 🤨
  -  laruetactical @kngarthr8219 ... How about OR-15 ? 3 likes
  -  kngarthr8219 @laruetactical O = ? 🙌
  -  laruetactical @kngarthr8219 ... OR = Offensive Rifle 'cause liberals are easily offended by one. 12 likes
  -  hobbit0717 @laruetactical you are on to something there! 1 like
esqphoto I've received one of those before!
treylillich Get er done
patrick.a.johnson314 Mine holds a place of honor above my gun bench
  -  ricochettactical @laruetactical hay Mark any chance on "Shotshow 2021 canceled Dillon" for all us collectors?
richman6972 You're the man. 1 like
pfs1969 Chop chop.....
el_jefe_556 Such a great idea.
keyspeed09 What do you have to do to get one of those?
thomas_hqv Just want to clarify before making a $500+ purchase. You have the aimpoint pro in stock? Or are you gonna take my money and say it's on back order forever? Thanks @laruetactical 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @thomas_sgc ... Dunno ... still signing Whale letters 🤷
  -  realmda13 @thomas_sgc @laruetactical doesn't charge 'til it ships. So you're misinformed.
jointdocshields This is why I keep shopping at Larue - company that values it's customers so much. With COVID shutdowns, doubt I made your list this year @laruetactical but hopefully next year. Thank you - Merry Christmas
458_socalm totally made my year getting one of those packages!
icecoldmn Dam I need to step up my game, this might be the first year in many that I get no hot towel. I was hoping for a siete and a battle knife to put me in the running but the Democrats screwed me there too.