... So here is my take on this so-called "surge of new cases" ... The pie plate on the right represents the unknown total of people that actually had covid 6 months ago (last spring). The small circle I drew with the sharpie represents the amount of "tested positive / known" cases then. The pie plate on the left represents total unknown cases now. The bigger sharpie circle on the left represents the "tested positive / known" cases now. The difference between 6 months ago and now is test kits were scarce as hen's teeth last spring and now we are awash in available test kits. This ends today's boomer lesson in beer math. ML
705 likestreylillich Screw this Wuhan shit. I am done with it all 2 likes
c.medvetz Also, my wife was tested twice in the same day ( her decision due to a time constraint) one came back positive and the other negative. The tests are NOT reliable. 3 likes
  -  kurtcwarner @c.medvetz I've heard of this happening more than once 1 like
rich_dierks The accuracy of the tests also play a big part. 1 like
  -  rich_dierks @spyguy8080 😂 1 like
sotexwhiskeyguy Here's my take: it's all bull shit. 4 likes
csolstice032018 The you Professor LaRue!
cruza0874 @laruetactical Hey ML, I can definitely back that up. I work in a hospital and do these tests. Early on people were told to stay home and were only tested if brought into the hospital. Now we test anyone and everyone who requests to be tested or a doctor recommends be tested. More tests equal more positives. Plus we are seeing the effects of people being exposed a little at a time. If we had never masked up this would have blown over months ago. Stay safe brother! 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @cruza0874 ... Well, damn, that's just great. 5 likes
kodiak_precision I'm so done with this stupidity!
justn84 stop sending your money to china.. and support your local wet farmers market! 1 like
rodstump Please put bullet holes in those plates to represent the holes in the science of staying home and masking up. Freedom over fear!!! 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @rodstump ... Everyone seems to be wearing masks, and yet there's a surge. Perhaps the masks are collectors of it. 🤷 2 likes
  -  rodstump @laruetactical people are finally seeing the hypocrisy in it all. 1 like
gustavo_lunelli Stop making guns and look for a job at John Hopkins. You will prob get intern of the intern. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @gustavo_lunelli ... You know why they called us hillbillies ? Cause we kept our loyalty with King William far longer than we should have. So there's that ... 4 likes
  -  gustavo_lunelli @laruetactical hahaha
evelsmokebbq I also believe more people are getting tested Bc something they would have normally taken DayQuil for, they freak out and go straight for the Covid test. Most being asymptotic.
bigkicks @laruetactical ER nurse here. test inaccurate had pt teat negative whole family was positive CT- scan of lungs were def CHINAVIRUS. more people getting tested hence numbers increase, and test depends on whos doing it is a huge impact. these take at home test are worthless! will tell you the mortality is less than it was. be safe brother. love ur products. 1 like
valleyhiker88 There's a bias just like this in criminology. When you add more police to a given area, at first there appears to be a large spike in crime rates. What's actually happening is you are catching more of the crime that was already taking place. However, over the long term, by introducing more police you will eventually lower actual crime rates. Same with Covid. 2 likes
oklahoma__driven I agree 100% ML!!! I've had 7 COVID tests since September. Luckily all have been negative. It's kind of ridiculous how hospitals, doctor offices, etc, won't do any type of procedure without a negative COVID test within 10 days. I've had 1 MRI, 2 CT Scans, and surgery and each one required me to have a COVID test.
I'm not the brightest guy in the world, but wouldn't the excessive testing produce excessive results. There have been numerous reports of false positives?
bigredgyro Mark @laruetactical - I can appreciate your beer math, and it makes sense. What it doesn't explain is the increase in ICU beds and deaths we're seeing in my hospital system. This is a moving target that is zig zagging and hard to get a bead on. I get it, people are tired...no more so than the healthcare workers that are working the front lines. They're just as tired of this shit, too. I'm all for liberty and freedom of choice. It's just the freedom of choice has a negative impact on the people around you. Sure, you get the 'rona and statistically speaking, you'd probably be fine, but the 3-4 people you unknowingly passed it along to, may not be as lucky. Or, you give it to a kid (or teacher) who got a bunch of people sick. And maybe those kids parents work in healthcare. And can't so their jobs now because they have to quarantine for 14 days straight. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @bigredgyro ... If there's no country or society left, you won't have a job anyhow. You could quit and let it blow over and be out of work like the millions that worked at the boarded-up workplaces I see. 9 likes
  -  bigredgyro @laruetactical Please don't misconstrue my comments as complaints. I am honored I am able to serve my community and provide for my family. I know we are all suffering during this time; certainly some more than others.
mckeonekert Casedemic.
billsnearly And the area inside the 'o' of CoViD is the number of deaths.
darkangeltactical Need to put some sub moa holes in that
jon_vancey Gosh I love this company so much. You guys have a lot of common sense. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but you're right. Cant wait to continue buying your triggers on all my future builds.
tdug06 Truth!!!!
notshawn54 On the radio every morning I hear about X number of positive and POSSIBLE positive cases. Couldn't it also be a POSSIBLE negative case? Just a way to hike up the numbers to create fear, I suppose.
davids_lifemission In tge past, How many people have gotten tested for the flu, when they didn't show any symptoms? Same should apply here. If you don't show symptoms, why get tested, with a test tgat isn't reliable? Just sayin.
jkenjilopezaltright mark, you'd be on to something here if the percentage of positive cases wasn't also nearly quadruple what it was last spring.
brad_jackie55555 Biden gun confiscation already started. Well they was fast.
texian1836 Beer math is my favorite subject!
pumbaajk Were is the half moa grouping on these plates? Come on man... 2 likes
rshaw04090 Just had that same conversation with someone that the only difference is that test are available now . 1 like
re_trd Eloquently put. Couldn't agree more.
l_mn_ia We just opened up about a dozen free testing sites here in Minnesota and they are constantly swamped... people are freaking out that cases are on the rise... well yea, more testing = more cases. 1 like