Happy Thanksgiving, y'all !
I'm following my Turkey Frying instructions to the letter today. 🦃 ML #larue #thanksgiving #friedturkey
371 likesfreakinout I'm gonna try bourbon and a WWII flamethrower 2 likes
mrdrewchandler Gobble gobble! 1 like
mckeonekert Good! Don't want to see one of those turkey frying explosion videos.
cmykshooter Is there a new accuracy report? Love my one from a few years ago.
spectrebravo @laruetactical I'm smoking a spatchcock Turkey with dillo dust.
djk91lx Happy Thanksgiving @laruetactical
justn84 Im doing mine in the microwave. I wont go in to details as its a family secret passed down from my great grand mother who lived with many cats. 8 likes
  -  laruetactical @justn84 Wait, the beer math fails - Your Great Grandmother didn't have a microwave 11 likes
  -  whatarewedo1ng 🤣 1 like
  -  justn84 @laruetactical oh, i think youre right! And maybe that wasnt turkey meat she was cookin.... 🐈🐈🐈🤭 1 like
austin_asu Happy Thanksgiving Mark!
tsuhobbs Once again thank you for my new trigger!
josh_goes_pewpew Just got my accuracy report last week.