... Our forklifts are burning through fossil fuel. This pallet of UU Kits is getting loaded onto today's UPS truck. ML
1,254 likesianmixon1 Nice Jeep 2 likes
_dean_moriarty_ Agreed, that jeep is tits outta 10. 😍
exodus4x4 Let's talk about that 715 when you're tired of it😉
jeepinnva Love your weekend toy in the background
thecodystone Any idea on the Suurg 2.0 suppressors?
seanmwjoseph Those definitely look like 12" .300blk uppers.
a_aurioles34 Ngl I was pretty shocked when I saw my UU order from 15 days ago shipped 2 likes
  -  for_the_ungrateful @a_aurioles34 what barrel length you order ?
  -  a_aurioles34 @for_the_ungrateful 14.5 stealth 1 like
  -  alangodwinjr @a_aurioles34 whoa!!
  -  bell.jacob @a_aurioles34 P&W? Assembled? Mine still hasn't shipped.
  -  a_aurioles34 @bell.jacob assembled no p&w
  -  bell.jacob @a_aurioles34 maybe that's the hold up on mine then, it's P&W'ed. Patience isn't my best attribute. 1 like
  -  ddisheroon @bell.jacob I ordered a 14.5 P&W in August and mine still hasn't shipped.
  -  laruetactical @edcur04 ... Doesn't suck those that's been waiting, because we've never sold complete lowers until now. 4 likes
tobasco_cat.45 Hope the heavies are next... waiting on a 6.5 for a while 1 like
  -  david.fisher90 @thomas.greenwood.45 how long? Just reference for mine haha
  -  jrflateau @thomas.greenwood.45 I have been waiting on a 6.5G for a while as well
  -  tobasco_cat.45 @jrflateau 5 weeks give or take. Feels long to me 1 like
  -  jrflateau @thomas.greenwood.45 I'm at a few months now...I think august 1 like
  -  david.fisher90 @david.fisher90 I'm at 7 weeks coming up! But I have UU full set, I'm presuming a healthy bit longer haha. We could build a support group lmao
  -  boomsticksndiesel @jrflateau 14 weeks on the Grendel UU I ordered. 😢 1 like
lappel_du_vide_5150 Patiently waiting for mine!!
csulli56 Please be a few 6.5Gs in that mix 2 likes
  -  boomsticksndiesel @csulli56 for reals
assaultlifedefense @johnrharris
mayhem_actual_07 That jeeeeep though 1 like
tsuhobbs Jelly
everett.haley Ordered another today! A stripped lower also. Keep up the awesome work.
nvg.nightlife God, that M715 is sexy... one of the best looking trucks of all time, up there with the Dodge power wagon for surem
willsmashu I bet he's so behind right now. Zero gun / gun parts manufacturers have stock. It's crazy right now
canemovium Plans to make these in 6mm ARC?
h0bg0blin69 Almost 9 months for a 6.5 Grendel rofl
mikelhuffings Any word on Black Friday orders? Still says back ordered 🙁