... The planet's highest volume polluter, the large country butted up against Hong Kong, is gonna no-show. "China is presently a carbon nightmare. Its emissions have surpassed that of the entire Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development members combined, and continue to grow ... While Xi has pledged to stop building further coal plants abroad, China has been on a domestic coal binge. Nearly 60 per cent of its domestic power is generated by coal, and it continues to expand its capacity." So I'm a bit of a slow wit at times, and since the largest polluter has Xi-ro intentions of reducing it's "carbon footprint", it's just dawning on me that AOC's Green New Deal can't be even a little about the environment. Silly me.
495 likeskodiak_precision Front for control and Socialism. Joe's electric car can go coast to coast on one tank of gas..... 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @kodiak_precision ... And every time you plug it in for a recharge, Sky/net knows exactly where it's at. And dog gone it ... if one of those crazy Woodstock music festivals has the wrong guests on it's list, they can turn all the recharge stations off, you know, for "sensible public safety" 😎 7 likes
  -  kodiak_precision @laruetactical you know it 1 like
hobbit0717 That's what a lot of people in the US don't understand China is a huge polluter, and the Dems call the U.S. out as the worst polluter on the planet which is completely incorrect. Then come up with more restrictions on business which raise prices or moves them offshore, to use cheaper labor. There by making the quality of life lower in the U.S. with fewer high paying jobs. 3 likes
justadad1980 Don't forget Russia and India didn't go all 3 of those countries account for 50% of carbon emissions in the world. 2 likes
kevin.young.77582 Not serious at all. 1 like
458_socalm Hey as long as it stifles the US economy and they keep thriving, it's a win win! (Just not for us, but our politicians stay paid! USA! USA! USA! 2 likes
taylorgaangggg "Come onnnn mannnn."
p.e.henry The problem is "carbon" is not a problem. CO2 is a boon. We need more of it for our plants , and thus life to thrive. CO2 does not add to warming. CO2 is a result of warming. Anybody who thinks otherwise should do the "right thing" for the planet and just stop breathing right now. 1 like
tsuhobbs So instead of going to war over oil, the new excuse will be we have stop the carbon nightmare. Got it. 👍
the_standrd_g All a scam
hughrerection China has no environmental laws .. meanwhile American business are strangled by epa and environmental laws how can they compete with a country with less laws and slave labor 3 likes