... Word on the wind is you better get your propane tanks filled before it turns cold. You've been warned ... and even if the wind is wrong, no harm done 🤷 I put the rifle in the pic to make you look 😎
1,660 likesjaykabee44 Thankfully I pre-bought enough to get me through winter 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @jaykabee44 ... Better have it in a tank already.
  -  jaykabee44 @laruetactical that I can't do unfortunately, only can fit 1/3 🤞 they can still deliver then test in the future
  -  laruetactical @jaykabee44 ... Ha, good luck with how that call goes 😳 4 likes
kodiak_precision Your likely to save a few dollars now than later too. Diesel has gone up here .50 cents a gallon in about a month. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @kodiak_precision ... Snd there's that too. But that's not the point of this post.
kevinmichael_67 That rifle is going to cause a stir. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @kevinmichael_67 ... It's way too accurate to release to the public 🤷 1 like
  -  perez2021juan @laruetactical Okay, I just saw a FB post and mentioning M-Lok, then I rubbed my eyes, re-looked and......behold.........an m-lok handguard for a tobr. Very cool!
memoandres95 Whats the update on the Texas Surpresor Bill 1 like
  -  laruetactical @memoandres95 ... There's room in the DC Gulag if you'd like to give it a whirl. I still have this backlog that needs my attention and 2 phone calls a year ain't enough for me to prioritize projects. 🤷 3 likes
def3va I'm on natural gas and they're saying we should be prepared for a 30% increase this winter. Let's go Brandon! 5 likes
harleydeks It worked 👍👍
  -  laruetactical @harleydeks ... 😂😂
perez2021juan Just got me a generator.....runs on gasoline........have two vehicles that hold a total of 58 gallons to siphon from...but I'm still a propane adapter for the generator.. 1 like
  -  usingmyrights @perez2021juan I bought a small duel fuel generator. I live in a hurricane prone state, but don't want the headache of gas with it's short shelf life. 2 likes
ranger515 Just found a 18" PredatOBR on consignment, headed to pick it up before winter arrives. 1 like
  -  laruetactical ... What you did there, I see it 😎 2 likes
joseph.tutt.4570 Glad my rate is set. Still both the propane and beautiful rifle like that would set me back. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @joseph.tutt.4570 ... It ain't about price, it's about availability/shortage. Means I screwed up another post 😳 1 like
  -  joseph.tutt.4570 @laruetactical no your good sir. I get what you meant I just need more coffe. 1 like
hobbit0717 That's how you sell propane and propane accessories! 2 likes
thatboylegs God it's just so beautiful 😢 1 like
cotyshores Heck yeah get it filled. Last year ours was $480 dollars. June of this year it was $720. October it was $940. Dang insane. I almost want to drop another 500 tank and get it filled before it goes up anymore 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @cotyshores ... How much do you think the Biden family made "Shorting" America ? 5 likes
  -  cotyshores @laruetactical I think a bunch. biden family is so corrupt. I'm curious how much China made shorting America with the knowledge of the coming policies 1 like
gr8abini Filled mine a few weeks ago at $1.699.
thewahooranch Filled ours last weekend🙌
leadtoxicosis Got mine in. Winter is coming.
kevin.young.77582 Way ahead of the game.Been prepping for awhile now.
taildragger_guy 🤤
perez2021juan Thank you for the reminder! The pic works, btw.
brian_crazydicks Well my meter is still there so hopefully it still flows in….
4rbrandt We still want that blaster.
wolfhill2 Filled mine last week. $3.09 a gallon here in East Texas. Had to sell a cow to settle up.
craigreasor_3gun Would love that handguard for my T'obr.
byrontabor I didn't even see the propane tank lol
0802randall Completed two months ago.
kiloecho1776 #want 🔥
josh.macintyre FDE Mlok Tobr 30 cal. Good Lord. Mark would crash the internet with this. Along with my bank account. 1 like
fishingm90 14.5" 6.5 CM? @laruetactical 1 like
codyy05 @laruetactical man I'd love a Mlok rail on my PredatOBR. AND I NEEDS THAT COLOR COMBO! Lol