... Guess the salad days are officially over. The price on that box of 338 Win Mag is $9.57 ... the price on the 30-30 is $5.99 ... ML
838 likesthe_og_brad 😍um 1 like
the_og_brad What book do I read? 1 like
  -  carsincvw @tacticalkeychains idk but I'm happy to see you following this page, I personally believe this man makes best mounts and ar15 in the world, and the dillo is the best bottle opener 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @tacticalkeychains ... If you ever solo'd a plane, "Speaking of Flying" is very entertaining. ML 3 likes
  -  the_og_brad @carsincvw 😭 #bottlegrenade 1 like
tomasnumerouno Makes me sick to see all the price gouging from all these businesses. 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @tomasnumerouno ... Ha ! That's your observation ? 4 likes
  -  gunsandsharpthings @tomasnumerouno limited supply...insane demand....yes, definitely gouging. Sorry you didn't stock up the past 4 years of absurdly low prices. 4 likes
  -  tomasnumerouno @gunsandsharpthings haha yes at this point I wish I had also. The greed of man is predictable but the events of this year definitely not.
  -  tomasnumerouno @laruetactical indeed it is. Damn shame.
  -  laruetactical @tomasnumerouno ... Even the most casual can see that that ammo is all from the 70s ... Sigh, New Math became Core Math - we truly are a nation of imbeciles. 11 likes
  -  tomasnumerouno @laruetactical I was well aware it's older. It's a damn shame that what was let's say $12.99 a box a year ago is now let's say $36. Also, those prices in the 70s with regard to inflation may not have seemed cheap at all. I'm well versed in business and the economics of capitalism. Just saying, price gouging by those who do it is a short term fulfillment and can have major consequences.
  -  laruetactical @tomasnumerouno ... You have no clue how capitalism works. As an aside, in the "roaring 20s", a twenty dollar gold piece would buy you a nice suit ... and today a twenty dollar gold piece will still fetch you a nice suit. Wait, none of that will make sense to an economic victim such as yourself. 20 likes
  -  tomasnumerouno @laruetactical haha 😂 oohhh big keyboard warrior. I'll admit the little scope mount was nice but it seems a little bitch can make scope mount just as easily as not. Shoe fits you as it is. You keep churning out the bits and pieces, I just hope you maintain good business practices.
  -  itsturbooo @laruetactical @geofturb exact same way my dad and I learned the value of gold/dollar
reptaarnoah Crazy. 1 like
gunner_texas_03 That's almost the price per round today 2 likes
tscott514 I could use those 3030 rounds if their available 😂 1 like
katos_dad Wow 1 like
oscarinthewoods Yeah, I remember buying 5.56 for 4 bucks a box. 1 like
tcbmaki is that ammo any good? I've got 12-gauge that's like, 30-years old.🤔 1 like
  -  resoluteraider @tcbmaki Yeah I recently shot 50+ year old 9mm from my grandfather. It shot flawlessly. 1 like
lapurifoy I have ammo from when Target sold ammo. #MakeTargetGreatAgain 4 likes
  -  trevorreust @lapurifoy i remember going to Walmart with my dad to get my first 20 guage as a little kid...good ol days 3 likes
  -  jonathanklee570 @trevorreust yup. Got my first shotgun at Walmart way back in the day. Lol 1 like
matthewjswelch So true. On another note, "Red Notice" is a great read. 1 like
trevorreust That ammo is probably older then me 🤣 1 like
nathingtwo Move the decimal 1 like
b_converse I think I discovered Larue while reading a Brad Thor book! Over 10 years ago! 2 likes
kodiak_precision Kind of Antique Ammo .... but cool just the same !! Love having it around as well! !!! Miss chatting with you as well. 2 likes
big_rob_and_abby_show I might have a box of sears 22lr laying around 1 like
hoezee_m The price of my 7mm solid copper rounds was 20.00 a box the last I bought them.
tylerxcollins I want to.build an AR10 in 358 Winchester