... And this reminds me that I need to roust out, grab the Griffon, and go pheasant hunting 💥 ML
785 likesoneillops That's our Governor! She's 🔥 8 likes
  -  tioga_arms @oneillops makes me wanna slide into politics.... 4 likes
  -  oneillops @tioga_arms me too! 1 like
spoonmann8 Cougar hunting 😊 5 likes
kevinmichael_67 Did you forget something?
  -  laruetactical @kevinmichael_67 ... Yes, I'll need an out-of-state small game tag. 6 likes
  -  kevinmichael_67 @laruetactical I was thinking about an email. 2 likes
pen_sword_life Pheasant hunting is awesome. And deer hunting, and goose hunting 👍 Aaaand, well just hunting 😁 1 like
drfrenchjr Can I join you if I split the gas?!?
ksflyfisher We were there last week.
tpapaleo9 Damn.....been checking my email every 2 minutes since yesterday 😂 2 likes
  -  zengland @tpapaleo9 waiting on that BCG to drop? You and me both lol 1 like
  -  tpapaleo9 @zengland got a SOLGW one in transit from Brownells, but a LaRue one would be nice for my Stealth stripped upper I just got a few weeks back. 1 like
  -  zengland @tpapaleo9 I recently got one of their complete uppers that came with a BCG - I wonder if it's the same thing minus the engraving or are they different.
  -  tpapaleo9 @zengland 🤷
  -  titan_rook @tpapaleo9 Me, too. My SOLGW BCG from Brownells should arrive Friday, a SOLGW stripped upper receiver (also from Brownells) is due here tomorrow. I have a LaRue BCG from years ago when he sold them separately. All I'm really hoping for before Mark ends these email deals is a stripped LaRue upper receiver with M4 cuts to use with the Stealth barrel delivered yesterday in my LaRue Accuracy Package. 🙏 2 likes
jfpvh Is this your beautiful wife? I wish I had an upland dog I would love to go pheasant hunting just don't have them here in Virginia on public land ☕☕us us
jmhc21 Noam is a fake. Trust in her at your peril. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @jmhc21 ... She's a politician and all politicians have to make compromises ... that we weren't privy to the conversations that played a part in the compromise. Better her than me in that chair. 9 likes
  -  perez2021juan @laruetactical Amen. They all have to, and we'd probably be shocked all they have to consider when making difficult decisions.