... Random shop pic ... us
740 likesalpha_phil15 The novel design of mounting the handguard to the receiver, where it never contacts the barrel nut. No idea why others haven't caught on. Maybe it's because they don't machine their own like LT does.
  -  laruetactical @alpha_phil15 ... We're keen on accuracy. You can't be swingin' on your nuts and expect gilt edge precision 🤷 2 likes
kodiak_precision Sweet finishes on those! Looks like a 32 or better. 2 likes
kolinkaveman True Gun Porn I'm reaching for my froglube. 1 like
eljefe757va When are those SUURG kits going to drop? Bout to hit my 1 year anniversary of my order. 😢 2 likes
kjm104110 Mark.... Siete 2 likes
billicon520 Now that's true works of art
nh_robert This hits different as a machinist and larue rifle owner. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @nh_robert ... In a good way ? 1 like
  -  nh_robert @laruetactical... Yes. All appreciate the affordable overkill, many don't understand the processes behind it. 3 likes
  -  kkiser82 Agreed. Impressive work! What's that cycle time? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @kkiser82 ... A seasoned cowboy once advised me to never ask a Texas rancher how many acres he had nor how many cows he was running. 2 likes
  -  kkiser82 Wouldn't have expected any less😁🍻
originaldeboard That would look killer in a calendar. 2 likes
emilio_3511 That would look amazing as a finished rifle. High polish aluminum and clear coated.
  -  laruetactical ... The clear anodizing's etching tank would dull the sheen
  -  emilio_3511 @laruetactical good to know. Was thinking lacquer / automotive clear coat
titan_rook I keep coming back to look at this. 🔥