... LaRue 7.62 gas keys. Yep, we make them from scratch. Ours are a wee bit longer than normal in order to keep the gas tube blowing into the gas key for a wee bit longer time ... keeps rifle cleaner. ML
406 likesmatta2662 I like these behind the scenes little bits of info 2 likes
kandmblasting can you buy these seperate?
oniak365 Thanks for posting that, Mark. Can you put one of those gas keys aside for the large frame UU kit w/ MLok handguard that I will be ordering. 😬 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @apexshooting .. . Alpha Sierra is squawking 7500 ... 2 likes
  -  connelldad @laruetactical chortle
  -  oniak365 @laruetactical Nah, no 7500 needed here. More like a 7700. I really need that MLok for the large frame, it's an emergency. 2 likes
mikenotgonnagetit Can we buy these gas keys as a stand alone unit in case our current unit breaks?
duckhnt You know what those gas keys look perfect for!?!?!? That's right, M-Lok Ultimate Uppers. Please, Santa Mark? 1 like
longrangesurfer Wee bits matter.