... Dunno, maybe I'm seeing it from the wrong angle 🤷
1,442 likestycoramerizdad I have been wondering how it's been ok now for monopolies to occur. What did I miss? When was it approved? 1 like
  -  laruetactical tycoramerizdad ... Dunno, but Uncle Sam used to frown on it back in the day when they leaned on Ma Bell and broke her up. Now they secretly insider-buy shares instead 🚀 6 likes
  -  c.b._91 Back in the day a serious monopoly was a threat to the Cathedral, and basically seen as a power leak. So the Cathedral would wield federal power to break them up. Now, the Cathedral has their ideological operatives at all levels of every major organization after a long march through the institutions, so it's much more productive to simply use these new monopolies to their ends than fight, essentially, against allies. 4 likes
ericedwarddesigns I am lost, what lottery?
  -  laruetactical @ericedwarddesigns ... Yes.
nullpointinsta Yeah they call them "job creators" nice to see you just noticed. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @nullpointinsta ... "just noticed" ? Spare me your accusations
  -  nullpointinsta @laruetactical Hehe. Keeping noticing things Mark. Ugly out there and none of it is new.
joeyhinton8 You're being obtuse, there is nothing wrong with being taxed coming and going. If we are not careful, there will be a complaining tax. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @joeyhinton8 ... Uh, uh, I wasn't complaining 👀 2 likes
tgg_tennessee 💯Correct 1 like
rlwhitford I see what you did there 1 like
gavltron Are you thinking of the pharmaceutical companies?
  -  laruetactical @gavltron ... Not particularly
sticks_and_stones_trading_co We have a very minimal representation from the government.
  -  laruetactical @sticks_and_stones_trading_co ... Half of America gets all the attention 2 likes
laruetactical ... Elon Musk sold $5 Billion worth of his shares to get in on the lower capital gains tax ... so he's not so happy to split the take 😎 7 likes
cotyshores I'm becoming more of a conspiracy theorist 1 like
  -  burlster24 @cotyshores conspiracy realist more like it... 2 likes
  -  lulusczechmix @cotyshores yep. Conspiracy Truths. 1 like
cotyshores   -  @burlster24 yep
  -  cotyshores @lulusczechmix #facts 1 like
509hanson Can Musk just pull some iron man stuff and get us back on track in the private sector rather than using shoddy federal work being used at 10x the price all on our tax dollars. 2 likes
spentbrasscasing Guaranteed....
realwestern_ Well said
craigc1911 Not almost. Full on
5ten_custommetals Oh no....no you're not. 😡
davidjulier "Seem"...they've been back for a long time. That "split" is just more brazen.
hughes_waterfowl_systems No sir I believe that is part of the plan. Government dependence fir the rest.
bmayes425 Your not seeing it wrong
appalachiandefense Wait you mean United Launch Alliance?
bmenzel25 Cabela's and Bass pro... Thanks Obama!
pdxsharpshooter It's never been gone silly
stevenfulton89 They are also trying to pass a SALT tax to punish the wealthy that live in states that don't have income tax.
johnparke987 I'm pretty sure monopolies, with the government getting a share, never went away.
hobbit0717 I work for a service company I the oilfield and they own everything, and keep buying. They are European owned. It's shocking to me to see this happen.
jalkl And some "Gun companies" are pandering to the anti 2A movement.... Ain't gonna mention anything about coffee companies...
pjcane If by splitting it with Uncle Sam you mean stuffing some cash in politicians pockets, yeah 😂
usmcgunnz Tax, death, tax
dtwaxdownzero New World Order. That's the lefts objective. They want a "great reset" in our society. They want us all broke so they can control us and make us their slaves. 2 likes
  -  coredneckinc @dtwaxdownzero I think this is what's really going on with politics and climate change. Not necessarily to break us and make slaves, but to reset who controls the worlds wealth. To strip it from the current and past energy monopolies and install themselves at the head of the new "green" world. Only way to unseat the coal oil and gas monoculture and create their own. 1 like
  -  dtwaxdownzero @coredneckinc you're exactly right. A politician yesterday said they will have succeeded only when the oil companies/gas companies go bankrupt. Unbelievable.
ks_maddics_kc All part of the plan. The hegelian dialectic. Gov and their cronies create problems to then be looked to for the solution. This virus was part of a trojan horse to usher in what the World Economic Forum calls The Great Reset. The media will try to tell you its a conspiracy theory but its literally what they call it on their website. We truly are on the road to serfdom (hayeks book by this title is great). 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @ks_maddics_kc ... But why spring the virus fall of 2019 ?
  -  ks_maddics_kc @laruetactical I couldn't even pretend to know why the particular date. It appears though that Ecohealth Aliance and Peter Dazak approached the pentagon for funding for gain of function research with the plan to release it in the wild. If we can trust the documents that were released on Project Defuse and Preempt. But in today's world its very hard to know what information is accurate. Aside from how it came to be, how its being used is quite clear. Even if it was a lab leak on accident governments and their cronies are leveraging this to usher in the global dominance they've wanted for a long time. Their writings on it, like Klaus Schwab's stuff, is insane. 2 likes
cletus.james.walker You got it right. Gov mandates vaccine, big pharma makes money, big pharma donates to campaigns,CDC, FDA and NIH. On and on and on ...
lumberjacked_coder And yet idiots who don't study economics think this is the work of capitalism. 1 like