... For awhile a few year's back, it was lookin' like we were gonna get to do volume CNC machining for EOtech. We threw all effort into it, making and sending them all sorts of variations, then right when we thought it was a go, to my complete surprise, L3 sold EOtech off, lock, stock, and barrel ... and the new owners didn't get the memo. Drats, well, I got this nice memento out of it, so there is that. Ya pay your money and takes your chances🤷 ML
1,993 likesqddmg Cool backstory! 1 like
edc.247 Worlds most expensive eo tech mount @eotech that's a big loss 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @edc.247 ... Fact 5 likes
  -  edc.247 @laruetactical used your stuff in the biggest crap holes this world has to offer, it's @eotech loss love my predatar 7.62 also 🧡
poindexter_gg @laruetactical Hey Mark, my EXPS 3.0 still needs a LaRue riser, regardless of the janky factory throw lever mount 😉😁😁 1 like
seanklk As an L3 employee it saddens me that we sold that company off from our portfolio! 2 likes
  -  scrufn3rdh3rd3r @seanklk I used to work L3 Harris, also and was pissed when we they sold EoTech off. 1 like
shoesfromcows Love the buttons on the side! 1 like
justcoelho Be a shame if someone just went on producing it personally instead of selling it to the one with the name for a mark up... 6 likes
  -  laruetactical @justcoelho ... That's not our style. Like I said, ya pays your money and takes your chances. 7 likes
  -  justcoelho @laruetactical that's why people respect you so much.
  -  madsen_wayne_p @laruetactical think Larue-will make one of its own?
  -  justcoelho @madsen_wayne_p he said no 1 like
mrsmitty556 😮😍 1 like
sumziandi EO-Tech's product buy-back was a gift. Good riddance.
  -  laruetactical @sumziandi ... It's my opinion that the EOtech, a CQB optic, for a shot across a hotel lobby, was perfectly built for it's role. And the high-speed guys that use them went "meh" about all the overblown "Muh zero maybe moves a smidge when they drop me on the North Pole in the middle of winter". To my knowledge, there are no hotel lobbies at the North Pole. 🤷 5 likes
  -  sumziandi @laruetactical "perfectly built?" Well, to each their own..
  -  sirgoyle19 @laruetactical some people in the gun community are just as bad as people who watch mainstream media and blow everything out of proportion like the whole thermal drift thing. 5 likes
  -  sumziandi @sirgoyle19 my statement was pertaining to my personal experience with POI shift in the cold of CO. I was grateful for the opportunity to return it. Money saved from needless re-zero and excessive battery changes continue to offset the cost of the replacement T1 that I purchased from @laruetactical ... lol. But let's not blow this out of proportion, opinions are like aholes, everyone's got 'em. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @sumziandi ... How much shift did you document the EOtech as being the exact cause ? 2 likes
  -  sumziandi @laruetactical it was off more than 3" both UP and Left at 100y and the opposite again at a later date on a warmer day. I can't account for every variable... but something wasn't right. 1 like
  -  sumziandi @laruetactical on a side note though. Thank you. Received my package today 👍
  -  laruetactical @sumziandi ... 3" at 100 is a thumbnail's width at 25 yards, the distance across the proverbial hotel lobby ... but it's not generally cold in most hotel lobbies 🤷
madsen_wayne_p 🧡 1 like
mdrumscarter Is that Eotech crying 😢 😂
surfandsubmunitions Would definitely be an improvement over the exps locking system 🤦 still use it
morbo504 Now that would be an awesome mount for exps3.
salerno1263 Sweet I love Eotech
ramtac_holsters Can you just sell Cowls? I'd take an ODG one on a heartbeat
direct.impingement NavSea version, sick! EoTech fan boys and cloners will pay big money for those 🤑
cts304 Would have been great if eotech would have went with a LaRue mount, it would actually stay tight.
usagi_actual_kb24 So want! 😍
xhonky_kongx Wow that's definitely what should've been 1 like
gunnvulcan_v2 Wait, who owns eotech now?
johnsmith6073 They are still having problems with drifting zero, count it as a blessing.
americanfieldwares Can Anyone suggest a good optic. Still using irons. I was thinking of the xps3 then later adding a magnifier. It will be going on an 18" 5.56 upper.
  -  modest_omega @americanfieldwares @aimpointusa PRO is 30k battery life, left on for 2.5 to 3 years. I have that on home defense 10.3. Eotech nowhere near that but super solid optic too. PRO with shim from @skdtactical will run 1/3 co-witness 🤘🏻 2 likes
cfairnh What a bummer formyou guys 1 like
andrewjc44 @laruetactical is there potential to manufacture these as an aftermarket purchase for end users? Or are there legal roadblocks? 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @andrewjc44 ... Nope, no potential. "It's dead Jim" 4 likes
  -  andrewjc44 @laruetactical R.I.P. We hardly knew ye.
vine_matt And people don't understand why R&D costs have to get folded into ALL other products. 6 likes
desmantelandoalaizquierda Their lost my friend...you keep doing what you do best, nothing but the best accessories on the industry 2 likes
k_bash88 How many of those do you have left 👀 4 likes
karl.koch.71 Want one!! How much?? 1 like
byrdprecision Is that a tear on the side? 9 likes
  -  jmflor1no @byrdprecision it's drool
  -  laruetactical @byrdprecision ... Oh, that's water, I took that glamour shot sitting on the edge of my farm sink 14 likes
  -  my_old_kentucky_homeboy @laruetactical I wondered the same thing lol
  -  nicturman @byrdprecision must be the drip I hear about
d_mo88 Hmm I would have considered @eotech had they done this 1 like