UPDATE - Woke up to see y'all passed the 900 mark overnight ... less than 100 left. Let's get those last 100 gone today so I can fire that $50,000 check off to Team Nolo *** Hello and greetings to all ye fellow Pro-Americans. It's been just over 8 months since I came to you for your $50 Nolo #7 contribution. The attacks on our 2nd Amendment have since surged and Team Nolo has judiciously used up the last of the passing-of-the-hat cash y'all ante'd up Labor Day Weekend of last year.
Check your Team LaRueMail, I'm here to ask again. There's no better way to throw a punch than what we're doing with Team Nolo.
Remember, you ain't buying a Nolo Dillo, you're buying gas for their tank, hotel rooms in unfriendly towns, and plane tickets for them to get there and run the gauntlets. As a memento to your generosity, I make and ship the dillos to you, and that cost to me is my contribution to the effort. So, once again, there's a 1,000 Nolo Dillos available at $50 each and Team Nolo gets 100% of your $50 contribution.
Ready on the left ... ready on the right ... ready on the firing line ... COMMENCE FIRING !!
Mark LaRue ************************************
664 likespierced_armor I'm in! 💥 Order # 960919 👍
tradskullseuromounts In! And ordered a trigger as well!
ah_deo_up Does this go to GOA or FPC or something like that? Just curious. Fixin to jump on the computer and scoop one up now either way. Thank you for everything!
bs63366 In for one!
mattrichards8680 Will you ship these... to CA?
  -  ahaley1775 @mattrichards8680 Why wouldn't they it's a bottle opener…. But to answer directly, yes they do.
  -  jmhill_2469 @ahaley1775 I mean it is a simple question, since commifornia bans everything else. Haha commifornia will classify those as assault bottle openers.....
  -  ahaley1775 @jmhill_2469 Honestly, it was a dumb question. And as far as CA goes, we're actually making some progress getting our 2a back. The state just won't accept it and keeps wasting tax $$ trying to overturn how the courts rule. But you do you. 👏
  -  mattrichards8680 @ahaley1775 good thing we have smart guys like you around Love to hear about this progress
  -  ahaley1775 @mattrichards8680 I meant no disrespect, just get tired of all the CA bashing from people that have little to no knowledge of what is actually going on here. 1 like
  -  mattrichards8680 @ahaley1775 well I'm here and you seem to be as well. We can't order a factory rifle from Larue so it's frustrating that although legal, companies won't deal with people in CA due to our BS. Frustrating that I have to pay a high premium for the factory Larues that I do have. I don't see progress, maybe I'm pessimistic. Let's hope for better times.
  -  ahaley1775 @mattrichards8680 I just went the UU kit route. It would be nice if Larue would offer factory rifles with stripped lowers for those behind enemy lines. Ca has the mag ban case coming up as well as the AWB and the handgun roster. If you don't already, follow FPC and or GOC they both do a good job on keeping people informed.
  -  mattrichards8680 @ahaley1775 I'll check them out, thanks.
  -  jmhill_2469 @ahaley1775 I do have alot of knowledge on California, I only lived there for 30 yrs until I left in 2006. And the only thing that's happening is Newsom is related to Pelosi and Jenner is gonna run for governor lol
  -  laruetactical @ahaley1775 ... I figured out why there's suddenly a rash of left-lane hogs here in Austin. They are Californians used to driving in 10 lanes of stop and go traffic, with no knowledge of what "passing" means🤷 3 likes
  -  ahaley1775 @laruetactical Yep, they tend to pick a lane and stay in it, unless they can gain one car length. I wasn't born and raised in California so I don't do that here or anywhere. Unless I flat out can't move because it's so congested.
  -  ahaley1775 @jmhill_2469 Good for you. 👏
  -  jmhill_2469 @ahaley1775 why are you so uptight? Learn to lighten up a bit. You have choices to stay or leave. That's on you , so as you said "you do you". I left that shit hole state to get my freedom back. California has nothing to offer but restrictions. That's probably why you're so uptight.
  -  ahaley1775 @jmhill_2469 I'm not uptight at all. Perhaps it's your perception of things.
mrevanmartinez Done. Great work @laruetactical
thatsouthernklug Snagged one. Great work ML
ahaley1775 In as usual. 🔥🔥
christiangrest Ordered!!!!
josh.macintyre 🙌
glkduck66 In on round 8. Keep up the good work
2010greer Done, proudly.
lbntexas 😍😍😍
wtsmith3159 Got mine too
wetdiver111 Ordered mine!
dw_c10_63 usususus
frankc157 Like I said earlier....there are more reasons than your insanely awesome firearms to be loyal to this company. This is just another one. Bought mine today!! 1 like
thejoeeckelsisnthererightnow Just placed order 961882 for mine. Thanks for bird-dogging this for us!
eadie.steve In! HI needs Nolo's help!
gunner_texas_03 🙌🙌
akscott60 And done.
charles_helm I'm in. Thanks for all you do.
guay.ron In us💪
dst_hayden In. Whatever happened with the defend the republic dillos?
  -  laruetactical @dst_hayden ... 100% of your contribution went straight to Sydney Powell & Assoc. and because we ultimately got burned in the election, our workload took off like a rocket, causing us to get the Sydney Dillos out somewhat slower than you'd like. 4 likes
  -  jeeparoni @laruetactical I just got my Sydney bottle openers a week ago. Thanks larue
  -  laruetactical @jeeparoni ... Like I said, the free souvenir dillos are my contribution, and when the phones are ringing off the hook with "WHERE'S MY DAMN GUN ?!?!" questions, well, you get the picture. 4 likes
  -  jeeparoni @laruetactical oh I wasn't complaining, you're getting a genuine... "Thank you". Love your products and your page. I understand, "guns first, gifts second" lol 2 likes
  -  dst_hayden @laruetactical wasn't a complaint on my part, was just curious, I'm in no rush to get it. I appreciate the dillo runs y'all do and the cause behind them
  -  stevenmcclay6921 @laruetactical Don't sweat the squeaky wheels and keep on doing what you do best, making premier rifles and doing great work for the 2A community. I love you for what you do!
  -  j.mar2382 @laruetactical still haven't got my Sydney Dillo
  -  laruetactical @j.mar2382 ... You have a reading assignment 4 likes
  -  03shitbox @laruetactical I also have miner
  -  03shitbox @03shitbox mine not miner