... 3 miles into my 4.3 mile hike and almost filled my cap with sweat. Mathew McConneghay (?) said "you need to break a sweat a day". I have to agree with that young whippersnapper on that. ML
662 likesjointdocshields I broke a sweat in my LaRue hat today too - chasing after kiddos outside 1 like
henryjreynolds when the salt builds up. Thrown in washer. That's what i do 1 like
sjandrews7 I need that hat ML. 1 like
ak_matic Lost my LaRue has last weekend. Looks like it's time to order another, and maybe one of those awesome LaRue lowers too! @laruetactical 1 like
natj417 Ordered a lower from you, thanks for selling them again @laruetactical 2 likes
scottyguns5437 Wore mine all day while breaking clays! 1 like
kcjengr Yep, my LaRue cap was soaked in sweat too today
phil.thompson.140 Well done!
arizona_twelve_sixtysix I get my cap sweaty like that everyday Mark. Except it says Geissele. 😂 JK. I have a LT cap in the truck I use for range day.
thatboylegs I rotate all 4 of my Larue hats. Gotta have a diff color one for each day 😉
alankeithjohnstonjr I just saw a "few" of those caps this morning :)
_dburr_ Lost mine kayaking the east branch of the Whitefish River this past week. Had it since AFG deployment 2010. Guess I'll have to order another. RIP LaRue hat.