... 🤷 Lemme know - ML
775 likesicecoldmn You going to just sell the uppers or a complete rifle? Put me on the sold list for a 14.5 or 16" upper. I'm sitting on a few spare LaRue lowers just in case😂
jason.c.gray Yep, I'd be down for one of those. How do I order one?
mauckcg If there is one left yes
rodematter Yes sir
2010greer Absolutely
original_okra Yes sir, I'd buy one.
crabtree308 Yes
billjohnson5241 Cost?
j.w.ne What barrel length? My 556 PredatOBR has an 18" barrel now.
frinkovich Yes
han_brolo_760 I'll even drive down the street and take it off your hands that day. $ in hand.
d.w.jones Maybe:)
wfodave Just waiting for them to go live on the website.
rangeofficerchris And I thought I was knowledgeable on a good set up... ML must be hosting classes through IG without charging tuition
scorregio i would be interested how do i get in the list @laruetactical
mis3rysignals You guys should talk to Criterion or Shillen who makes the Radian Weapons barrel. They both make phenomenal sub MOA barrels. Both with m4 feed ramps if you're worried about accuracy. 🤷
  -  laruetactical @mis3rysignals ... Criterion makes barrels ?
  -  laruetactical @mis3rysignals Phenomenal is a bit too subjective. Tell me where to go look at events such as I do, 5 groups on one page etc. I deal in small groups and posted measurements. 1 like
  -  mis3rysignals @laruetactical yeah, you're not familiar? They're called Criterion Barrels. They make a continuous taper barrel called the CORE. The balance and weight are great, similar to a bolt gun profile.
  -  laruetactical @mis3rysignals ... Turning an O.D. ain't what I call barrelmaking. 2 likes
  -  mis3rysignals @laruetactical are you aware who makes their barrels if they don't?
  -  john_t_fisherman @laruetactical 😂😂 I can hold a .05 tolerance if you need some qualified "button pushers"
jt_thomasson Yes
mikeyed I'm in 🙌
whiskee_charlie Yep. I'm in. If you'd be kind enough to let me know how and when I'd much appreciate it
theofficial_scorpion As someone who currently works a Mill, the vortex is real...
usnhasty Yep I'd pick up a couple.
titan_rook I'm not in a position to partake of the mistake but, I'll be checking my Instagram feed twice as often hoping to see some ML perforated test targets. I mean, you know, for science.
coryintexas Can someone please translate this into ignoramus for me? It seems Larue doesn't like M4 feed ramps cut into his receivers, but I was under the impression M4 feed ramps were historically regarded as a positive. Not second guessing the maestro. Rather, I was hoping someone could tell me when the change in conventional wisdom happened. 👍
  -  laruetactical @coryintexas ... Here's my take on the skinny. And some of this is educated guessing. Back during the Carter Administration, Ft. Bragg troops were marching to the ranges cause the trucks were out of gas thanks to Jimmy Carter. Gas, ammo, he ran 'em outta everything. It must'a been about then that rifle spares took a hit. Some AR Magazines got so wore out they dangled low in the lowers, improperly presenting rounds so low they smacked into the lower's wall right below where Stoner laid the ramp out. Soooo, instead of running over the wore-out mags with a tank (no diesel), they decided to lean the ramp down a little in hopes of improving the rifle's reliability when deployed with wore out mags. Somewhere along the way they called it an M4 cut. Then the market got enamored with having exactly what our warfighters had and stuck itself with the steeper M4 ramp. How steep is too steep ? No steeper than ya gotta be, which happens to be where Stoner logically laid it out. And once again, Pat Rogers great advice was "Don't fall in love with your mags or your buffer spring" 1 like
  -  coryintexas @laruetactical Thank you! Great explanation. 👍👍👍
jdesterhouse I'd buy one!! Just let me know who to give my CC info to.
willy_b_4301 If you have to give them away @laruetactical , sign me up!
jake0861 Sounds like a collectors item to me!😂
sharpiepm6408 When
guardianfirearmco I'd buy one
jlheard3 Somebody's getting a rule named after him.
got_moneymark Yes sir ! you all may be on to something ... 👏
southern_fried_coatings Price ? 1 like
mike_libby1529 For the right price he'll yea I would lol
kings_armory1 Yep
kings_armory1 I'm in yes pleas send me a price
realwestern_ If they are ready to ship send me an invoice! 👍👍
tonyazampino Price??
krisinpudding Will I be able to throw it on my @laruetactical lower and mount my LaRue LAT handguard to it?
billyvelvet I'm in
tyler.gregory Yes
jzach.gore Practically every barrel has M4 extensions. This should be an option all the time. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @jzach.gore ... Practically every "hit a man's fist at 50 yards" barrel has extensions 3 likes
  -  jjmax1776 @laruetactical compass lake and white oak also have it. I haven't seen a non m4 upper In awhile.
  -  laruetactical @jjmax1776 ... "But but but, it says "M4" on it !!". Get some if that's what you want. I'm not responsible for everyone that wants to push the hype. I deal in small groups. 3 likes
mscafidi76 @laruetactical Put some up on the website. Do y'all still have MBT2's in stock as well?
infinitejoker Yes, but I'm poor 😔
_schrambo_ Sell them for a steep discount and I'm in
roncarter1759 It says Larue on it, its gold!
shadow_hog_llc I'd like one 🙏🏿🙏🏿
luckiedogz Yes
bigfarmape70 Yes!
john_longan Send it, I'd love one
drfrenchjr So are we talking moa vs. sub-moa?
macas_corbui You can turn it around and call it a special edition limited stock one time only and double the price!!! Or, I'll buy two in on the discount!!!
gavinvillar Yes!
pumbaajk $87 and that's my highest offer. That's a highly defective product and it's not worth the torment I will endure should IG find out that I have an out of spec LaRue rifle.
happy_5.56 *chuckles in coathanger*
coffee_and_cartridges Take my money
josh.macintyre Might be up for that!
rick.h.groves @laruetactical just wanna say you're the man. I don't know a single other industry leader who engages with community members the way you do. (outside dedicated social media heads... who shouldn't be considered industry leaders anyways) 1 like
  -  laruetactical @dick_and_co ... Gotta stay on my toes, as it's easy to get cornered in here 💀 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @laruetactical ... See, I just had a dumbass hashtag another dumbass ... ban button has a 2 ounce trigger 🤷 3 likes
  -  rick.h.groves @laruetactical doors and corners, man. Watch em.
nolantexco How does M4 feed ramps affect accuracy?
  -  laruetactical @nolantexco ... If the steeper M4 angle is good, why not take it to perpendicular (90 degrees) ? 3 likes
shqype_ PredatOBR upper/blem at a steep discount? I'm in. Maybe you could offer it as a special to BuildARs 😉
weaponeered You can mark them up 10-20% and commiefornians will still clean you out 🙌💪🏼
dustinstapp Yah I would.
d.a.ford Yes
bigbrassenergy I'm interested
thatthinbluelinetho I mean I'd take anything better than my current PSA patrol rifle lol what's the price range?
edc.247 Yup
markythemark This could definitely be a new market. Maybe market it as a FauxRue so no one gets hissy when they're not stacking shots? 1 like
thedollarsportsman Honestly if I had the money, absolutely. However if you need to offload any and want it reviewed for a YouTube audience, DM me (kinda my thing).
marcknapp What're we talkin for discounts?
iviark5 Absolutely
montanapete59102 If I had the funds, I'd definitely buy one. I'm not an accuracy snob.I'm happy with minute of angle accuracy. If I happen to get better, then I am happy to have it! LOL
  -  laruetactical @montanapete59102 ... Bet you don't park parallel to the white lines 🤷 10 likes
  -  posi3d3n33 @laruetactical no I make five laps until I find a different spot. 🤷
  -  montanapete59102 @laruetactical I actually parallel park with the best of them! Probably one of the few people who took the test in a pickup with an enclosed back having to use the side mirrors. My dad drove tractor trailers for a living and he taught me well. I still use his technique and he's been gone since 2004. Wife refuses to parallel park and if we need to will swap out with me and have me do it instead. LOL
randy_v4s I'll get one
charles_helm In FDE yes...but you seem oversubscribed as it is.
kstrickland80 Yup!! 🔥
watermark78 Interested - DM sent 1 like
  -  thirtythree_three @watermark78 You must be new here (welcome). @laruetactical doesn't do DM's. 5 likes
  -  watermark78 @thirtythree_three lol, 🤷 thanks
rouelxprss Yes!
lee_bargeron 🔥
kurtis133 I'm in
michaelsmith9405 Price?
livelyac Sign me up
lumberjacked_coder Yes.
jakegregson I would take one
themarinerecruiter Yes
tdrake97 Yes I'm in
tkelley8051 Pm
shorebillybruce Yes, I'll buy 2 for testing purposes 1 like
for_the_ungrateful @laruetactical would you sell them as just the uppers ? 3 likes
jasonk7474 If it's says larue it will sell in my humble opinion. 10 likes
tightlines1960 I would be in. 1 like
zink14 I would 1 like
ll_qu89_j Sure! 1 like
grindops_coffeeco Yes! 1 like
dirkdigglern95 Let's put them up on the ole website for a deal and see how long they last... My bet is in a matter of hours you will be satisfied. 10 likes
rlouiechelman Yessir! @laruetactical 1 like
jpatrickbateman Price needed Mark! @mikelhuffings 1 like
  -  laruetactical @jpatrickbateman ... If ya gotta ask ... 5 likes
  -  jpatrickbateman @laruetactical If they are Free 99 I'll message you my address.
cowtown_outfitters Duh 1 like
alangodwinjr Yes 1 like
johnreese06 👍 1 like
d_mo88 How about .22lr? 1 like
dbaz88 Why not? 1 like
thejdhill Assuming the barrel extension has ramps too... 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @thejdhill ... It will have ramped barrel extensions. 🛫 5 likes
tim_etgearco I'll buy it and come by the shop today and snag it lol 4 likes
gsdpanzer I don't see why not. As long as it has the proper matching barrel extension. 2 likes
michaelseankincaid Yes 1 like
jtwendel02 Yes 1 like
for_the_ungrateful Yes 1 like
yaunovich11 Yep 1 like
nuerosis19 Yes 1 like
a_aurioles34 Yes 1 like
littlebird500 Yes! 1 like
whyintheworldamidoingthis Pretty sure that's what I have on order and I'm good with it 1 like
killjoiboi Yes, I'm in. 1 like
ie.b Yes! 1 like
a_sad_paramedic Yes 1 like
robbywille Yes 2 likes
csolstice032018 I'm betting they run good! Especially with a matching barrel extension! 4 likes
rick.h.groves Dumb question. Aren't M4 feed ramps the new industry standard? Also I'd buy one 8 likes
  -  laruetactical @bluntmaster42069 ... It's an accuracy issue, the steeper the ramp the less accurate they are. IIRC, M4 ramps became a thing to overcome wore out G.I. magazines that drooped in the magwell. 7 likes
  -  laruetactical @bluntmaster42069 ... Clean the mags, or replace mag springs, the mag springs get old and old mag springs in a dirty mag doesn't help heft those last two up. Also, as Pat Rogers advised - "Don't fall in love with your mags" 10 likes
  -  laruetactical @bluntmaster42069 ... There are plenty of my competitors that sacrificed accuracy - I'm not one of 'em. 14 likes
  -  vicktorvolpe @laruetactical pat Rogers had a way with words. Miss him and consider myself lucky to have grown up with him part of my life. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @bluntmaster42069 ... I'll check my normally very sparse complaint box and see if I missed your email. 🤷 8 likes
  -  high5.56 @laruetactical send one to @smallarmssolutions. He just said in his live stream he's always wanted to get some larue products to look at. Chris is awesome and a fellow Texan. I've learned a ton from you both. 1 like
  -  frankc157 @laruetactical you actually have one?😂
el.gallo.negro1 Price? 1 like
csolstice032018 .224 Valkyrie BuildAr special!!! 1 like
andrewjc44 Absolutely. 1 like
fdmarshal Yes! 1 like
high5ive187 Bet them trash pandas are harder to rid of.... 1 like
jfm357 @laruetactical yes 1 like
goobax I'm in, price? 5 likes
  -  natedag87 @goobax +1. Have @laruetactical (Mark) call me. #IWantLaRueAccuracy 1 like
ralph124c41 Yes 1 like
seanklk I would be interested! 1 like