... Is the Cirrus SR-22 the ultimate Bug-Out vehicle ? Watching "Deep Impact" ... Who needs a runway 🤷 Dropping an SR-22 on the top of Mt. Mitchell in west North Carolina is a cinch 🤷 Suck her down to stall speed ... pop the chute 🛫 ML
529 likesakscott60 Hahahahah. Great bird to hit a Metroliner with as well. 4 likes
  -  philmanegold @akscott60 if you hear this transmission, traffic no longer a factor. 2 likes
jrthomasii Works great...once 1 like
  -  laruetactical @jrthomasii ... The meteor impact tsunami doesn't happen that often 1 like
lastshadowtx Legit 🤙🤙🤙 1 like
mikeb945 Know a guy that has one. It's the only plane that his wife would let him buy. 1 like
1striker4life I like the sr-22 but a local faa guy says it's a poor airplane 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @1striker4life ... F the haters, we're talking about saving ourselves from a 3,500' tall tsunami. 2 likes
  -  nigelbrown597 @1striker4life Your FAA guy is right. It is a terrible design. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @nigelbrown597 ... Get yourself some SCUBA gear and we wish you the best of luck 💦
  -  alansyslo @1striker4life guy works for the organization that has stagnated and impeded design innovation in GA aircraft for the last 50 years. 1 like
  -  nigelbrown597 @laruetactical Won't need to do that in a better airplane. This thing has a history of crashes before it was even certified. I wouldn't dream of flying one.
  -  nigelbrown597 @laruetactical Not needed, I won't step foot in that death trap.
  -  laruetactical @nigelbrown597 ... Good thing the Wright Bros weren't so skittish👀
  -  nigelbrown597 @laruetactical They had a better airplane.
1striker4life @nigelbrown597 lmbo 1 like
j_frank24_ I'd rather have a super cub. I can do nearly the same thing and the airplane is reusable. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @j_frank24_ ... I gotta get 4 adults and a toddler to the top of Mt. Mitchell ... 1 like
  -  5tonlafawnduh @laruetactical but why my Mitchell, aren't there better places closer to Texas?
  -  cichli.suite @5tonlafawnduh You can just drive to the top of Mt Mitchell. There is a parking lot and even a snack shop. Or, you can hike to the top, which is about a 3500ft steep angle climb
  -  laruetactical @cichli.suite ... I'll race you there from Charleston, SC 1 like
  -  cichli.suite @laruetactical my back hurts just thinking about that hike, again
  -  5tonlafawnduh @cichli.suite but the drives my question even more... I'm assuming a world goes to crap scenario. ML is in Texas, why go to the Carolinas aren't there way better places to "bug out" to in Texas or the Midwest or even west?... just curious is all. I'm in central Ohio and plan to head to the UP or start head to the west where population is less.
  -  cichli.suite @5tonlafawnduh sounds like he is currently in Charleston, SC. Mt Mitchell is the tallest point on the east coast. Not exactly remote, so probably not a great location to hide out in. It is just a few miles north of Black Mountain, where One Second After took place
  -  handloadsandholdovers @laruetactical if you're in Charleston, you're close by. Palmetto state is glad to have you, ML
chuckharris1836 Completely unrelated....Will the MBT set off Russian ammo in 7.62x39 variant? Tulammo specifically. With an enhanced firing pin of course.
  -  laruetactical @chuckharris1836 ... Dunno, but it's low priced enough to try it out. 3 likes
  -  chuckharris1836 @laruetactical my thoughts exactly. And I could report back to you.
crppilot IMO, Cirrus sells a false sense of security. I'd rather glide under control - then drift on a chute. For what they cost buy a light twin...!? Children of the magenta 2 likes
txstvanwilder Vfr into imc.... Quick, pull the chute!
brunner_e 133 kts or below blow your load
eadie.steve Mid air collision with a small regional and a private a short while ago. Colorado iirc. That chute system saved the private pilot and his passenger.
the_tacticallopath Just need that $220k starter cash lol