... "Lewis5.56" ... to answer your question, I was spotting for a buddy. He was shooting my 20" 6.5 Creedmoor and some special made BlackHills 140 gr Berger HybridARs. 5.5" 4-shot group at 780 yards ... roughly 0.675 moa. I had him stop after Bang, bang, bang, bang 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Figured it was time to quit 🎯 ML
453 likesjonnyrcia307 Nice🔥🔥🔥 I haven't tried the 140gr AR Hybrids, but I know the 130gr AR Hybrid Tac from @bergerbullets can flat out shoot, awesome stuff. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @jonnyrcia307 ... I don't pretend to know why .mil wants 140 grains of slickness, but I do know how to launch a bullet without f'ing it up. 8 likes
lincolnlogga I have a ton of time behind the 6.5 Creedmoor and I've found that it needs a 24 to 26 inch barrel to get the most out of it. What velocity are you getting with the 140s in a 20 inch? Have you tried the 147s or 153s?
  -  laruetactical @lincolnlogga ... "Get the most out of it" 🤷 2 likes
  -  lincolnlogga @laruetactical velocity and distance, it's the one thing that has annoyed me about the 6.5 Creedmoor. I feel like if I go under a 24in barrel I lose the advantages that round has to offer at distance and i might as well have gone with something else. It seems I always end up with a gun that's so long its useless for most applications.
  -  laruetactical @lincolnlogga ... A Kestrel doesn't care how long the barrel is🤷 2 likes
  -  lincolnlogga @laruetactical I get that but i can't keep it super sonic out far enough with the 20 or 22 inch barrel. Seems to start varying a lot after 800 yards. I have over a 400 ft per sec velocity jump from 20 inch to 24.
  -  lincolnlogga @laruetactical I guess I was more wondering what load you run and if you can get decent velocity with the 20 inch. Maybe see if I was off on my load?
reidaverill Impressive
texagonian_towers Ammo is skyrocketing to the moon. My rifles are starving. Wtf! Fuck Biden. 1 like
thecodystone Sell me a 20" CM barrel ML.