In true DFM style, 48 years ago I drew myself up a reloading bench. It was 1972 and my brother and I sold enough split firewood (with backlogs) to buy us a new 12 ga MEC 650 Progressive loader from Rocky McWilliams up at United Pawn in Knoxville, Tennessee ... Rocky recently retired from Franklin's Gun Shop, on the outskirts of Nashville. pro-tip: wolmunized legs and wolmunized 2x6's give this reloading bench a lot more heft. 💪 ML
843 likesmichael_s.kline I used your plantobuild my bench, its rock solid!😁 1 like
thiswildadventure How about a LaRue shooting bench? 2 likes
jb__hunt I recommend liquid nails and 1 1/4" screws every 8" on center to make it the most solid top ever. The shear strength you can get out of plywood is amazing. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @jb__hunt ... Yep, I'm a glue fan too ... 💪💪💪
wreckloose_ Currently building a foam cutter with your plans
  -  tarheeltactical @vv.z.r.d there are LaRue foam cutter plans?? Where?
  -  wreckloose_ @tarheeltactical it's just basic plans, not anything in detail. But it's enough to work with if you've never messed with one before. It was in an issue of Larue Accuracy Report. I can DM you tomorrow (not home right now)
themiguy I'm stealing this plan, thanks!
jesslarude Hahaha I was like oh I recognize that! I did a lot of reloading on that bench as a kid. 1 like
rickwillard21 Looks almost identical to my bench except I have a lower shelf on mine.
handloadsandholdovers I built one identical to this but had to cut it off at 72" due to space constraints. And later on, I framed the bottom in where the leg support is and made a shelf for ammo cans that hold various bulk rifle/pistol bullets
blck10th They were going to toss a bench at work so I asked for the top. Butcher block about 2" thick 7'long. It's heavy. I bolted some hd steel legs to it it's my everything gun bench
depredadorsolutions #RollYourOwnAmmo
thirtythree_three @laruetactical Franklin Gun Shop (in Franklin, TN, just off of I65) is still open and operating. I wouldn't call their prices "competitive", but being in Franklin, they don't really need to be. It's where I got my CCW permit (as if I should need one) years ago.
crabtree308 Well, that is fortuitous timing, as we just moved into a new-to-us house (closer to knoxville, btw). I've been wondering how I want my new reloading bench, and now it looks like I have my plans. Thanks for that, and the story.
djrndibs Wow, you are old!😜
howzithowzit Fist thing I ever built was a bench lol. And that was just so I'd have a place to learn to build knives 😂 🍻
commiefornia_hunter @laruetactical just recently started doing more laminating and glue downs in some of my woodworking projects. Fun process with pretty sick results