... I gotta proof-group ten (10) brand new, unfired 5.56 rifles. Let's gooooo 😎 ML
1,564 likesdonaldjtrumpjr Verified 🔥🔥🔥 43 likes
  -  rob7089465_md @donaldjtrumpjr Oh damn, even DT Jr is a Larue fan!!!! 3 likes
  -  lima_tango_one @rob089465_md 🧡🧡🧡🔥🔥🔥👏👏👏😍😍😍! I was thinking the same thing! 2 likes
  -  texan.right @laruetactical big timing it here... @donaldjtrumpjr needs to test these out the next time he's shooting long range
  -  metallicasma @donaldjtrumpjr "Americanism not globalism will be our credo" u s u s u s
aaron_telander Are un assembled kits moving along? I'm at 9 months 1 like
  -  rob7089465_md @aaron_telander what caliber did you order?
  -  day.man0 @aaron_telander I am Also At 9 months for 7.62 UU. you are not alone.
  -  whopperator @aaron_telander 223/556 I think is fastest. It's most likely caliber dependent
  -  mdunkin75 @whopperator i ordered a POBR 556 10m+ ago. I don't think they have any kind of schedule.
sarcasmk1ng Lets GOOOOOO!!!
tpapaleo9 Just got tracking info for Defend the Republic dillo 😮😮
dbhaupt 🔥💪🔥💪
brittzter13 Yep. One of those "has" to be mine! u s u s 🙏🏽🙏🏽 1 like
blue_cat_797 I need about 4 more 😁😁 1 like
ryanpatrickmac Ordering my tobr 6.5 with a tranquilo, hopefully today as soon as I can get my ffl's info. Can't wait
  -  kralynthomas @ryanpatrickmac great choice! It'll take some time to get but it's well worth the wait.
frankc157 Love it!
livelyac Tough job, but someone's got to do it...let me know if you need some help 1 like
coolantman_mark Linking your bunker! Get some!
tim.mccain.3 🙌🧡
longrangechile Best job in the world!
tac_class_hero Is it me or do the grips look like veiny BBCs?
jdg0707 Any 14.5's in there? 1 like
troywmeyer Any predatARs or SUURG kits in the works for 5.56?
  -  thecodystone @troywmeyer there's already a 556 surge kit. Get ready to wait on the suppressor though.
  -  troywmeyer @thecodystone I already got the SUURG on order just waiting..
  -  thecodystone @troywmeyer when did you order it?
  -  troywmeyer @thecodystone January
  -  thecodystone @troywmeyer FYI, I've been waiting on mine since August.
  -  troywmeyer @thecodystone 🤢
  -  thecodystone @troywmeyer I got the Grendel. The upper only took 3 weeks to get but I'm still waiting on the suurg suppressor to ship to my ffl. Then it'll be at least another 10 months I'm sure.
  -  troywmeyer @thecodystone ok, I order a predatAR in dec and a SUURG kit in Jan, I'm still waiting on both
  -  thecodystone @troywmeyer good luck. The suurg upper is useless without the suppressor.
  -  laruetactical @thecodystone ... Be careful around the SUURG upper, projectiles fly out of the barrel, with or without the suppressor. 2 likes
  -  thecodystone @laruetactical lol. Maybe I worded that wrong ML. Nobody would want to be around me to hear that giant muzzle break. 😂
slipperypete530 I really like your PredatAR series barrels, Mr. Larue. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @slipperypete530 ... Thanks, and just so ya know, the 18" PredatAR barrels are just like these 18" tOBR barrels, right up until whack a little more meat/weight off the O.D. (profile). 2 likes
james_siler Got my 556 UU couple months ago . Waiting on 762 UU. 👍👍c l u s
deviantmethodpins Need any help?!
mikesuttontn But what about the stealth sniper uppers, when are those conning off the line???
  -  laruetactical @mikesuttontn ... Barrels were too accurate, made competition look bad, so we scrapped 'em and started over. 3 likes
  -  kakejelly13 @laruetactical fingers crossed that the same thing happen with the DMR uppers.
him72984 Someone has to do it.
gregbankston I bet you love your job, but that's gotta be one of the coolest perks of putting in the blood, sweat and tears for 30+ years to build up a business. Congrats. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @gregbankston ... It's thrilling to know every LaRue barrel will immediately show great accuracy 🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯 2 likes
rdlake769mfjylineman F that racial pro vaccine piece of 💩
  -  laruetactical @rdlake769mfjylineman ... Are you on the correct planet ?
laruetactical ... First one shot 0.5-something 💪 12 likes