... Speaking of threads - the diameter vs length on these brake threads is essentially 1-to-1 ... I had nothing to do with it, it's layout was done before my time 🤷 ML
998 likesbobcronin64 7.62.39. The AR platform has the ability to make it mid range accurate. Prove me wrong . 1 like
  -  chuckharris1836 @bobcronin64 I have a 10.5" barreled x39 that shoots .75" @ 100yd's. With Hornady SST's. Not as good with cheap Russian H.P.s but good enough for hogs on a sprint 2 likes
kevinmichael_67 Hoping one of those is for my order.
a556nato Please make my 14.5 barrel 🧡👏 3 likes
jfpvh Nice and beefy... 556 😍
high_exposure56 😩 I just want my 5.56 18" Stealth barrel.... 1 like
_magdump_ Gorgeous 1 like
stevenmcclay6921 .300 Blackout...work of art I have one
kalash_beezy I have an 18" OBR. How short can I go on the barrel without messing with the gas system?
  -  charliesclones @kalash_beezy the closer the muzzle gets tot the gas port, the trickier it is to function.
eadie.steve If the threads are not intended to contain pressure does the thread depth/pitch calculation change?
csolstice032018 I see that caliper has been around a while.. Which brand/model would you buy today? I appreciate your recommendation.