... Some stuff is simply pic-worthy 🤷 ML
844 likesdirkdigglern95 Those chickens sure do lay beautiful eggs. 3 likes
abellbrian Large frame?😍
  -  matthew.lomas @abellbrian Small frame I believe. Large frame have two mlok slots on the front end of the diagonals and hexes behind.
mkillerbee Y'all working 24/7? Or normal business hours. Not judging either way. Just curious.
kevin.young.77582 How many weapons you pump out a month.
bmayes425 Nice!!🔥🔥🔥
acp_trainer I need some of that in my life. 1 like
akscott60 Punch it Chewie. 1 like
compute10 ordered a handguard from you guys back in February. still nothing. what's up with that? got my barrel though 1 like
  -  laruetactical @caspershafer ... What's up with that ? More than just you keep wanting us to throw all our precision efforts into making them some stuff. 1 like
frankc157 🤦
  -  compute10 @laruetactical look dude, it's just kinda frustrating on my end to have ordered something (said in stock) and then get told a week later it's on back order. I was just hoping for some kind of half hearted update is all
  -  matthew.lomas @caspershafer two weeks 1 like
  -  compute10 @matthew.lomas sweet
justa_jake_ Ah the good'ol egg trays for parts works like a charm. 1 like
charliesclones 🔥🔥🔥
thedeathoftheparty Tempted for a old school Larue quad rail..any in stock?