... I need to keep Mr. (or Mrs.) Chicken Snake away from a "Sitting hen". A young feller told me an old timer told him to sprinkle Cinnamon around spots you want snake-free. I searched and I'll be danged if it ain't a thang. "Cinnamonnnn, lemme innnn" ML
462 likesstevenmcclay6921 I used to relocate them but there were so many that a few met the machete. They would just hang out in the nest box and wait for the eggs to drop.
gearheadkittykat Mongoose 2 likes
bdclone I heard that moth balls were good snake repellent. No experience with it though 2 likes
csolstice032018 Use a metal minnow trap, open up the opening slightly with a pair of pliers, insert fresh chicken egg. Place trap next to the outside wall on the perimeter. It works. 16 likes
  -  laruetactical @csolstice032018 ... Hey ! hey ! 1 like
  -  possum_puncher @csolstice032018 as a professional trapper I agree with this method 💯
adayonthelake Mark that's offensive, it's 2021. It could be a Mr. snake that identifies as a Mrs.
bigtrucksrule Cinnamon works for bees too. I don't like to kill them i usually just want them to move elsewhere, and the cinnamon makes them move.
blaw1977 Snake away. Works great. But the big bag and pour a perimeter around it.
texas8652 I always heard Irish Spring grated around the area but never tried it.
brownbuffalo5o Helmeted Guineafowel keeps prairie rattlers away house/barn area 1 like
legionpreparedness Good ol Mr No Shoulders
my_old_kentucky_homeboy We used moth balls around the barn
charlie_kilo Run electric fence wire a few inches off ground stapled to plastic garden edging outside the chicken wire.
phmmedic Try Lemon Grass. Supposed to help with mosquitoes and ticks as well. Worked for snakes in my yard. As for mosquitoes didn't notice a difference. Florida mosquitoes must be different 1 like
liamromeojudas Sterilizing never ends well.
og_texan @laruetactical use Dr. T's snake- a-way. Works like a champ.
billsnearly A suppressed .22 also works. And rattlers do indeed taste like chicken. 😁
mrwick11 These are for the Brown Tree snake program in Guam. An introduced exotic that causes a lot of environmental and financial loss in Guam.