... 15-20 years ago, Ft. Belvoir did a LaRue QD mount repeatability test, using a $Million dollars worth of lasers and stuff. Their conclusion is our LaRue mounts repeat within 0.080 moa. But alas, they wouldn't release that data to me cause "Sir, that information was found using taxpayer dollars. Giving it to you would give you a tactical advantage against your competitors". As if we have competitors. 🤷 So we went the cheap route and sorta agree with their classifindings. Here are pics of on / off 4 times in a row, captured from the video. Again, that's a 1/8" dot in a 45X Leupold. That little square in the middle of target = 0.200". Given what you see here today, how well ( in thousandths) do you think our LaRue mounts repeat ? 😎 ML