... Damn the luck, I've been assigned shooting duties again this morning. Gonna see if these five (5) MRGG-A rifles will hang. ML
872 likeswhiskee_charlie If you need a hand feel free to holler at me 🤘🏻 1 like
imnotthatarticulate I'll trade you a SOCOM II for one.👈🤔👍
  -  imnotthatarticulate @sndubbbr Not for me!u s 👍 1 like
tonkatsu.sando What a shitty job, I sure would hate to have that position
heathergracias1 😍😍😍
joe.numbers As if they wont
legendpilot Get some good target pictures!
alexschooler8 @laruetactical we need it
him72984 I got my full LT Grendel now. I'm happy.
p_ekasingh Awesome Mark! Will you be offering 14.5 6.5CM barrels in the UU kit? 2 likes
txmerica Pics or it didn't happen
becauseitsbacon How often do you find one that fails your check? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @becauseitsbacon ... I am occasionally handed one that needs another 10 or so rounds through the throat. Then they straighten up and fly right. ML 3 likes
stevenmcclay6921 Don't you make the assignments? 😂
_david_714_james_ So sorry for the bad luck ML!🤣
tkelley8051 @laruetactical will these be for sale soon?!?!?
averatripp This is awesome! Another great(precision) product from a great American company. We do it better. Bring manufacturing back to America!
nfaservicesllc I love that MLOK handguard on the large frame AR, hope it becomes available for the common folk... I REALLY wish Mark world consider some fluting on barrels; rigid and accurate, but heavy as sin.
craigreasor_3gun @laruetactical Mark What coating is on that MRGG BCG? Black vs standard hard chrome. Looks sharp.