... Well, off to a good start. There was a crow target left down there at 100 yards and the 1st (of 5) MRGG-A rifles hit the crow ... ML
367 likeslaruetactical ... Well dang, I was going to give one of these five MRGG-A rifles to the first person that said something nice about my 3-head-shot group. Since nobody did and now it's too late, I'm gonna promise to enjoy your rifle whoever you wasn't. 💪u s 🔥 6 likes
mdguy90 Nice group. 😬
thirtythree_three Nice shooting!
fanorwood Looks like shoots like every other LaRue I have...as in outstanding. (Some of us had to work all day and just saw this.)
specterpines Awesy
specterpines Awesome
phil.thompson.140 👍👍👍🍾
connelldad Nice shootin there Tex
esqphoto Sucks to be a crow!
elr_shooter Nice work 💪
eadie.steve How do you get a crow to hold still for the second and third headshot?