... Speaking of my Marine (who corrected my correction saying 'Dad, I'm an E4, not an E3') Jeeminy, I need a poster. Anyhow, this is her outwitting her first Wiley Coyote. Todd Hodnett was her guide and spotter on that pitch black night. IIRC, it was a LaRue rifle (of course) and 300 yards or so and the NV scope Todd loaned her was an iNOD (?) 🎯 That coyote dropped deader than Forty Dammits 💀 ML
739 likes0311gunner Hells yes! Semper Fi! 2 likes
rlreedjr So she is a Corporal. Congratulations (again). 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @rlreedjr ... Ha, yeah !! Like I said, I need a poster I can highlight for each promotion 😎 7 likes
  -  regantoomey @laruetactical here ya go!! https://imgur.com/a/lxrBHKA 1 like
frankc157 u s u s 1 like
esqphoto You could not have found a better spotter for her? 😂😂 Holy crap does that guy know his stuff! 2 likes
ricky_mack429 👏 1 like
gsdpanzer I met Todd Hodnett some years back. Good dude. She is lucky to have him guide for her. Awesome stuff. Great shot 👍🏽 1 like
tx_leather That was definitely my favorite rank when I was a young war dog 1 like
gunner_texas_03 A Non-Commissioned Officer working for the Greatest Marine Division, 1st Marine Division "The Old Breed" 2 likes
cts304 Congratulations
mskategordon 👏👏👏👏👏👏
awilliams30808 Awesome!