... Like last week, the first 3 rifles started off with a bang and all 3 groups averaged 0.745 moa. LaRue Pencil Barrels hang 🎯 Watch you LaRueMail for SN xx529, or SN xx552, or SN xx530 👀 ML
490 likesrampant2019 I need one of THOSE hats!? Not on your site.
  -  dousan36 @rampant2019 ?? Misc - apparel -caps. $19.95 and $21.95. Or buy a factory rifle send get it free with embroidery for rifle type. And og mbts.
  -  rampant2019 @dousan36 yeah but they're the patch style?
  -  dousan36 @rampant2019 take a look. They got it all
lainsworld_ Can't wait to buy one
lincolnlogga With some reloading and dialing in I bet those groups get pretty tight
handloadsandholdovers Do you find that the 168s perform better or is that just more available than the 175gr FGMM? Not a dig, I actually prefer 168gr in shorter barrel .308 platforms