... Boomer screenshot ... take a guess 😎
1,285 likesreaganhair1 Please tell us you're going to start making the world's best 6ARC magazines. 8 likes
  -  laruetactical @reaganhair1 ... Crows and groundhogs don't hang around for quick follow-on shots 🤷 3 likes
gunsmithlee Man that 6GT looks awesome! 4 likes
  -  hitrapguy @gunsmithlee sure does
  -  perez2021juan @gunsmithlee Yeah it looks awesome
kevinmichael_67 When?
logan6163 You're going to make a decent 6mm ARC barrel and I'm going to buy one? 16 likes
ubmathis 65 Grendel for the win (FTW) 3 likes
jesslarude Ballistic mag, classic
tac52_ Happy 3/08 day 😂 5 likes
ant26555 A guess at what 1 like
realwarthog71 John. You take down a Elk with this one too, and I'll buy one!
charliesclones ever few years a new round comes out that promises to change everything. Few do. Many have been hyped and never gained traction. Some have, while the 7.62 and 5.56 NATO still stand. This 6mm ARC might have a chance. 9 likes
  -  silenciomofo @charliesclones i think itll do well. 2 likes
  -  81tactical @charliesclones agreed, my next build is gonna be a 6ARC build, literally just need the barrel and bcg; I have every other part just sitting and waiting (receiver set is just an Aero FDE M4E1 set and a 13.4" BCM MCMR handguard, and of course the extra MBT2 I have) 2 likes
  -  bdclone @charliesclones I have been following the development some. Its near 308 performance out of an AR-15, less energy than 308 under 500yds but better performance out past 500 and still super sonic out past 1,000, and half the recoil. 4 likes
  -  outof_theoffice_ @bdclone so basically a 6.5 CM?? 😂
  -  bdclone @outof_theoffice_ yeah but you get it in a AR15 package instead of AR-10 or LR308
  -  outof_theoffice_ @bdclone thank you for the clarification, I didn't know that. What's the difference between a 15/10? They seem nearly identical to me aside from barrel and bolt face, no?
  -  bdclone @outof_theoffice_ weight and size. Some of the lower reciever parts are interchangeable between the 2 but everything is bigger on the 10.... recievers, bcg, buffer, barrel, handguards. Then there is bigger mags and heavier ammo. From a military perspective getting 308 or 6.5 performance in a smaller lighter package is huge. 1 like
  -  outof_theoffice_ @bdclone ty! Great explanation.
joseph5myers Make a 22ARC or a 224 Grendel?🙂 I like my 6.5 Grendel. 2 likes
eskamfo 7mm Pancho Villa special
bhfrdieselpower 243 still hands down one of the most versatile cartridges out there.
  -  perez2021juan @bhfrdieselpower yeah and with 55gr bullet they're close to 4,000 FPS! 1 like
j._gunz Needs more 8.6blk
tsuhobbs The arc looks like Grendel. Lol 2 likes
  -  bdclone @tsuhobbs it's the same case. Both have the Russian X39 parent case 4 likes
  -  tsuhobbs @bdclone the more you know. Lol. Thanks. Didn't know that. 3 likes
  -  fr8cture @tsuhobbs just bullet diameter difference really. 1 like
jdg0707 Machinist expect you to be able to read their mind. 2 likes
  -  codylawsoffical @jdg0707 we always think the answer is obvious 😂
enginearjohan Hornady?
customglock Gay Tiger Wins. Flawless Victory..... 1 like
tailormadetargets Never heard of a 6GT 2 likes
dreauxmire Waiting to see if someone can make a 20" or 22" barrel work for the heavies to try and maximize velocity with the right powder.
martycandoit For children who don't do recoil? 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @martycandoit ... I spent my formative years behind a 22 Hornet 🎯 17 likes
  -  joseph5myers @martycandoit. I was one of those people who shot various 300 magnums for years. The biggest thing I have now is a 6.5 PRC and I shoot my Grendel and 5.56 the most. Spending the day shooting Prairie dogs with a 300 Winmag ends up taking the fun out of it. I don't care what any one chooses to shoot but myself personally have no desire to get beat up by rifles anymore. 5 likes
  -  martycandoit @joseph5myers I'm in Utah. Moose, Elk, deer, coyote is probably smallest. 1 like
  -  joseph5myers @martycandoit I live in Montana, I have not shot a Moose but I have shot Elk and Bison. I have come to the conclusion from my own experience and watching others that there is not an animal walking in North America that can not be killed with a 6.5 Creedmoor. I say this mostly because lower recoil lends itself to more practice and better accuracy. Accuracy in my mind is better than power. Cost is also a factor especially now. Weight has also become a factor as I get older also. Some how I went from running up mountains with a radio in my ruck and carrying an M60 to my 7 pound rifle feeling heavy 😒 3 likes
  -  martycandoit @joseph5myers well, it sounds like I need to look into a 6.5. You pretty much sold me on it. Thanks for making the time brother!
gaswamper I still for the life of me can't figure out why they wanted to make the 6 arc when the 7mm Valkyrie exists..... 2 likes
cjrollins7 Waiting on the 8.6 Blackout!
  -  bdclone I already have 8.6 subs just need the rifle and silencer.....😂😂😂 1 like
  -  cjrollins7 @bdclone 😂😂😂 did you hand load these yourself 😅
  -  bdclone Negative, @discreet.ballistics did an initial offering with 300gr subsonic target loadings. 2 likes
  -  cjrollins7 @bdclone price consistent with 65cm?
  -  bdclone No clue what 6.5 costs. I imagine that it may cost a little more in commercial offerings because of the bigger bullets. These were $3 a bullet. Discreet loads for different barrel lengths and twist rates so I would expect to pay extra for more personalized loads. For 300blk I have hunting/defense loads for a 7 inch barrel and for a 16 inch barrel. They also have different loadings for bolt vs AR platforms. 1 like
  -  cjrollins7 @bdclone wow! Didnt realized it was going to be that specific. I'm most likely going something in the the AR flavor
kevin.mcglothlin.078 I want a 6mm arc
aaronedwards843 I have your upper and lower with a proof 6 arc barrel. Sub moa all day. Can you make a 20" barrel instead of a 6.5 Grendel?
josh_outdoorz We'll need a 15" chassis to put this 20" barrel in
curtdemel I guess @laruetactical is gonna make a 6arc siete... awe scratch that old news. 1 like
jsmith_409 If @laruetactical puts out a 6GT barrel, I can pretty much sell everything else😂
  -  laruetactical @jsmith_409 ... What does the "GT" stand for ? 3 likes
  -  rayjd1650 @laruetactical it stands for George and Tom, first names of the guys who designed it
  -  laruetactical @rayjd1650 ... Too Funny
  -  jsmith_409 @laruetactical definitely stands for Gay Tiger, it's even on the brass😂 1 like
  -  perez2021juan @jsmith_409 Wha?? Lol
  -  jsmith_409 @perez2021juan I can't post a pic but google "6 Gay Tiger". It's a real thing, I promise..
gospencer1 @laruetactical you releasing the Larue 1911, 2011 and Siete would be cooler! Come on Mark! 🙌
cow2u @laruetactical Afancy .243 Win no thanks!!!
msskalsky Ill take a 6arc with 10" twist.
  -  laruetactical @msskalsky ... 10"? Hornady's paperwork suggested a 7.5" 🤷 1 like
  -  msskalsky @laruetactical coyote hunters want a 18-20" 10" to run 55-75gr. Shooting 105-108 that slow makes it just another worthless "hunting" caliber. Good slow plinker but not much else. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @msskalsky ... I'm listening 1 like
  -  laruetactical @msskalsky ... What's considered the perfect all-around twist ? 1 like
  -  msskalsky @laruetactical 8" for the current factory loadings, 10" for the future "hopefully" practical hunting application.
  -  laruetactical @msskalsky ... Is that cause you want to push the lightest bullets available fast as they'll go ? 1 like
  -  msskalsky @laruetactical correct. Faster Projectiles will expand upon impact. Projectiles like 105-108 are going to slow at the muzzle, they don't expand upon impact and pencil through animals. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @msskalsky ... When I was a kid I was pushing Blitz bullets out of my 22 Hornet. Showed an old timer my setup and he said "Kid, get yourself a 220Swift" 3 likes
  -  msskalsky @laruetactical running 55gr sbk in my 18" larue. Fast as she will spit em. See pm.
  -  bhfrdieselpower @msskalsky see I run 77tmk out of my predatAR 556 on coyotes. Spent a lot of time with everything from 40s on up. Hands down best bullet I've ever used. I prob have 2k round of just the 77 in coyotes. And never had one walk, out to 500+ 1 like
  -  msskalsky @bhfrdieselpower hell yea man. 1 like
  -  toadroaster @laruetactical @msskalsky is bringing the gospel. Plinking steel at 500 yards is cool but blowing coyotes in half is cooler.
  -  dustinwrona @msskalsky pretty sure you'd be fine shooting those in a fast twist barrel. Are you afraid they're gonna spin too fast and come apart? 1 like
  -  msskalsky @dustinwrona no 6arc can't push them fast enough to spin them apart. But it will Crete pressure switch a faster twist, and loose velocity. 1 like
  -  dustinwrona @msskalsky I'm pretty sure you're pickin fly shit out of pepper at that point 1 like
  -  msskalsky @dustinwrona not hardly. To each their own.
  -  dustinwrona @msskalsky how much velocity do you expect to gain? It's minimal considering the loss of versatility shooting more weights. 1 like
  -  msskalsky @dustinwrona on arch I'm not sure yet haven't compared the 2. But on a 223 for example. 8" shooting 55gr 20" barrel, I get 3251fps, shot the same 20" with my 10" I get 3375. This is strictly for coyote hunting rifle. I don't care to shoot heavy loads. So velocity gain is huge on a 0-350 yard thermal rifle. Now if I was long range plinking, I'd agree with you. But for my hobby I want 10" 1 like
  -  dustinwrona @msskalsky 22 Nosler? Too bad the 22 Grendel or 22 arc isn't a thing
  -  msskalsky @dustinwrona quite a few 22 Grendel's out there. 6arc and 6grendel essentially the same. You can resize 6.5grendel down and shoot it in 6arc 1 like
  -  laruetactical @msskalsky ... Interesting
  -  dustinwrona @msskalsky I just meant as a factory supported round