... UPS man was giving me the side eye for stopping these pallets of Ultimate Upper Kits momentarily to grab this pic 🎯u s 🔥💯😎
1,010 likesmbaggett88 Wow! Looks great! 1 like
seanklk Nice truck 🔥🧡 1 like
nvg.nightlife The ole Kaiser M715 is one of the best looking trucks there is. 5 likes
mrpropper79 That's a lot of bald eagles and freedom right there! 🦅🦅🦅u s 3 likes
dommytuzzit I want to work for you guys!
jhendrixgiles_ Just got my shipping notification today! 3 likes
  -  mrdski @jhendrixgiles_ when did you place your order?
  -  jhendrixgiles_ @mrdski January 4th
  -  tdb19872 @jhendrixgiles_ Lucky SOB, I placed my order for a 16" long before and still haven't heard a peep
  -  jhendrixgiles_ @tdb19872 Luck of the draw i guess. Was told 3 to 5 months potentially. I ordered a 12.5
  -  tdb19872 @jhendrixgiles_ You lucky dog you. Wish I'd have ordered three at the same time.
  -  tdb19872 @xcludedjeff Huh?
tubalcainsjeep M715 🤤 🤤🤤 2 likes
thecodystone Are you making Grendel uppers or just 556?
  -  laruetactical @thecodystone ... Some of everything, mostly 556
  -  fanorwood @laruetactical Any 14.5"s (That I ordered in May of 2020)?
  -  joshua.yotter @laruetactical a run of 12" 300bo would be much appreciated 😁
james_siler Cant wait to get mine 😁👍👍clus 1 like
willdavisfishing Mine was two of them! 1 like
vin.cert 🙌🔥 1 like
2010greer Can't wait! Thanks Mark!💪🏻😎 1 like
tbarbee1 Awesome 715 2 likes
myz061080 😂😂👍
skipjack86 Jajajaja 🤣 buen trabajo 👍 Mark, love your postings ...hugs
xxgunner63xx Any .308s going out?
laruetactical @xxgunner63xx ... Shot a 308 the other day ... loved the accuracy 🧡 9 likes
realmda13 Hey ML - Outdoor research wind pro with the embroidered dillo is my absolute favorite cold weather hat. Can you please do another run of the FDE? I missed the first run and just got a back up black one. But a couple of FDE ones would set me up for life in the cold weather. Please don't make me beg you, like I have been for more Triple aught Design hoodies, for the last two years on arfcom. 1 like
  -  realmda13 @laruetactical a run of Arcteryx Nagas or Atoms, or Prometheus Design Werx (original TAD ranger designer) hoodies. Would love any of those three with a big 'ol LaRue Tacitcal logo right across the back. 🔥🔥🔥
  -  realmda13 @laruetactical I'd even pay for my own prototype.
crppilot Ordered mine on October 10th (7.62) Trying to stay positive
  -  david.fisher90 @crppilot I'm oct 8th in the same boat haha. But whatevs, it will get here when it does
bunkrmonkey cant wait for my SURRG kit🔥
optiskate Nice M715! 1 like
metz.111 Is it bad luck to put one of your upper kits on an aero lower?
e.man.well_ When will the vortex razors be back in stock, I ordered mine more than a month ago
commisioner_gordon273 What's the turn around time on your uppers right now? Seriously eyeballing one from y'all. I love your MBT group.
  -  a_aurioles34 @commisioner_gordon273 price to quality damn worth it. Even if you gotta wait they don't charge you till it ships so there isn't really a downside on the waiting time 1 like
  -  jtaylor @commisioner_gordon273 2 weeks... 1 like
  -  commisioner_gordon273 @jtaylor thanks man!
  -  commisioner_gordon273 @a_aurioles34 yea. I've always wanted an upper from them 1 like
  -  commisioner_gordon273 @a_aurioles34 yea. I've always wanted an upper from them
  -  tdb19872 @commisioner_gordon273 It's nowhere near to weeks, they are quoting 4 months minimum and I can confirm it will take at least that long so far. Worth the wait though. 1 like