... Someone asked what the impact difference was with can off and can on - what say ye ? Can off is left group, can on is the right group. I wasn't trying to set records, just trying to answer a question. ML
510 likesstillsaltyaf_ Does somebody make a scope that has a setting for small shifts like this? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @captan_obvius ... #MarcKnapp suggested the answer is always using the can. 4 likes
  -  stillsaltyaf_ @laruetactical makes sense 👍
  -  masonwilhelmy @captan_obvius every optic that I know of has elevation/windage adjustments. If there's a consistent POI shift, you can dial that on or off depending if you're using a can or not.
  -  travisw1845 @captan_obvius you can dial it in in your kestrel w/ AB software.
  -  laruetactical @captan_obvius ... Here's one decent idea - Zero with your TranQuilo, and without it, your 2.5" high at a 100 yards, letting you hold dead on out to maybe 250 yards.
weapon_eyezd Take the can off, reattach and shoot to see if the group is still in the same spot 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @luxury_chances ... Rats, I would've, but the guys done took that barrel out of that upper. 1 like
  -  weapon_eyezd @laruetactical only reason I asked is because I had one that I had to mark with a paint pen because it was only repeatable in one position, it was a 3lug Mount if that matters
  -  todd.ritz @luxury_chances Precision/repeatability is one of the things LaRue is well known for... and in times like these, ain't nobody gonna burn another 5 rounds to prove what's already known!
  -  weapon_eyezd @todd.ritz it was just a suggestion, 5 rounds is nothing to Mark, he even stated he would've if they didn't take the barrel, I have LaRue guns, so you are preaching to the choir in a way, it's a solid test I recommended regardless 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @luxury_chances ... Standby for a 5-Can 5-shot group. ML 1 like
  -  weapon_eyezd @laruetactical standing by Mark
thiswildadventure Mark, I'd love to see two pages of targets, 20 shots total. So just doing this exact same test again. That was we can see repeatability.
will_flyorfish4food So can off drops 2.5" off at 100yds? 🧐 1 like
  -  laruetactical @will_flyorfish4food ... Did I say it wrong ? Let me go look. Nope, I said it correctly. Left group is no can, right group is with can.
  -  will_flyorfish4food @laruetactical interesting. Is that simply due to a reduction in velocity or another factor I'm not thinking of?
  -  laruetactical @will_flyorfish4food ... Well, I find velocity increases slightly likely due to Isaac Newton's musings, but point of impact drops, likely due to weight on end of barrel doing who the hell knows what. ML 9 likes
collins9678 @laruetactical This will require 9 more cans to accommodate all my Larue Rifles ... do I get a discount 😀 2 likes
kurt_stl67 @laruetactical That's barrel magic 😁
him72984 I would say that the difference is negligible.
bigbrassenergy Thanks Mark, haven't seen any other suppressor manufacturers post any comparisons... 1 like
  -  laruetactical @bigbrassenergy ... Just trying to answer the man's question. 💪 5 likes
  -  sonofstate @laruetactical is poi shift due to the weight of the can causing deflection or a change in barrel harmonics? 1 like
topshotdustin Verified Looks just like my OBR drift. About a mil. I always assumed the weight of the can pulls it down.
def3va My two TQs are consistent, 25fps speed increased and 1.5MOA drop. 1 like
_blake_barnett Do y'all plan on making a flash hider that works with your suppressor?
  -  laruetactical @john_t_kelly ... How would you know if it's working, hidden inside the can ? 1 like
  -  _blake_barnett @laruetactical certain competitions like @thetacticalgames don't allow brakes and people don't run their guns 100% suppressed. Thanks for the answer to the very simple question I asked. Always a pleasure talking to you. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @john_t_kelly ... Why a flash hider ? As flash hiders gives no recoil reduction. Is it a night match ?
  -  _blake_barnett @laruetactical you're side by side with other competitors shooting at the same time. The concussion from the brake makes it unpleasant for the shooters to your left and right.
  -  laruetactical @john_t_kelly ... No, I get the brake's issue, I meant why a flash hider in particular ? Sounds like you could dremel-saw the brake part off and meet the requirement. ML 1 like
j_frank24_ Mine drops .5 mil with my 6.5cm.
onetripatatime This is consistent with my POBR with Tranquilo. Very repeatable.
cj_kelly You just need to look at the suppressor closely and say to it "are you a CAN...or are you a CAN'T?"
  -  chefhef @cj_kelly 😂😂 1 like
slankslankslank Nice
ebdt2 But that's not a problem, are you? 😉
matthew.leonetti You'll always get a poi shift with any can you put on. When adding any bit of turbulence to the round it will have an effect on impact the important thing is having zero poi shift with removal and reinstall
buckyjturpin Harmonics 1 like
dwc032 Are these cans in stock or are they backordered? I've emailed you guys but haven't heard back. I'd like to pick one up.
marcknapp Best bet is to figure it out for your individual can, barrel, ammo profile and create an offset dope to dial in your glass. Baseline with whatever config you'll shoot with the most. For instance, my 10.3" will always wear a can, so can on is my 0-0. It really doesn't matter for two or four legged fauna unless you're doing precision work. In that case, you need to dope both and run accordingly. 1 like
dune_shoot IIRC mines roughy 2" at 100 yard but it's been a while.
jwf9221 @laruetactical what distance did you take these shots from?
  -  laruetactical @jwfin1992 ... My underground tunnel is 100 yards - ML 4 likes
  -  hott_seeds @laruetactical your underground tunnel?! Who are you? Batman?! 2 likes
  -  jkirky24 @laruetactical can we hear more of this underground tunnel?
stillsaltyaf_ If it's a repeatable shift your gtg👍. Thank you for sharing 👍👍 1 like