... 0.890" 5-shot, 5-TranQuilo group. One shot through each of all five (5) cans. I was aiming at where those 4 targets intersected. That's how I get a zero in the wormhole. First shot (with the first can) was in a nice spot, so away we go 💪 ML
664 likesjosh.macintyre 🔥
whiskee_charlie I'm looking forward to getting that setup! u s
weapon_eyezd You damn tease Mark, 💪u s 1 like
  -  laruetactical @luxury_chances ... Ha! You were "standing by" 🔥 2 likes
  -  weapon_eyezd @laruetactical anytime I get a chance to see test groups from the bolt gun or the suppressor I'm in, I have pretty much all of your other stuff
stevenmcclay6921 Good to see that you are healthy and enjoying your day! Stay away from the sickness and keep the posts coming.
  -  laruetactical @stevenmcclay6921 ... 💪💪💪💪💪
thiswildadventure Outstanding work! 1 like
longrangesurfer Ok, twist my arm. I'll take a used M308 Tranquilo. I'm not picky.
dwc032 Are they in stock on your website? If there not how long is the wait to get one??
natehazes Can you shoot a round so we can hear how loud it is with the can on?
  -  laruetactical @natehazes ... Yes, and I kicked myself for not shooting during that video. I was rushing to not run over the 59 second Instagram video limit. ML 1 like