You guys that got in on Nolo #5 ... we're about to start shipping. ML
714 likespmform1 Patiently waiting. 1 like
brunter17 What about lowers???
krisjagdeo @laruetactical waiting on the email about 1911's shipping..
amills3428 we need our machine guns back
mn_chuck_d Awesome! Thank you for doing this fundraiser for the 2nd Am. 1 like
bradleyaten Yes, thank you can't wait. New rail and gas block should be here tomorrow also. 1 like
photogunic For those of us that ordered the new flat bow trigger at the same time, are they shipping with them? 3 likes
jwhitak5 Sweet! 1 like
toddmart68 My body is ready!
def3va Another round supporting freedom!
turk957 Nice...
dcap91 Ya I was wondering if y'all had an expected timeframe on the flat bow 1 like
509hanson Hey are you guys adding these to purchases? A guy I know got on with his, but i didn't back when j got my trigger, just curious 1 like
dcap91 Ya I was wondering if y'all had an expected timeframe on the flat bow 1 like
xxblackcatz13xx Ready for round 6!
frisco_rps13 Woohoo! Excited to get mine soon 🤙 1 like
redoak.sooner Rock on!
duckhnt Thanks LaRue and Nolo! 1 like
enrique_algarin How long till the 7" mlock uppers ship? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @enrique_algarin ... Folks are figuring out that I rarely let my Instagram threads stray off topic. ML 1 like
sk.y_m39 Took me 5 rounds but finally got one!! Thanks Mark and Nolo! 3 likes