Looking for something else, I got distracted by a bolt sitting in the 4th axis. ML #larue #laruetactical #gunsofinstagram #deadcenterofprecision #madeintexas #behindthescenes #howitsmade
859 likestopshotdustin Verified Dang that's pretty. 1 like
azlatrans That would distract the heck out of me. Very cool looking. 3 likes
jfpvh Very sexy u s ☕ 1 like
leeengland Wow.. 1 like
storman_67 Siete and P-Tober in 6mm CM 🙏
johnsmith6073 Mark do you know why the bolt is machined slim forward of the are where the rings go? Save weight? Expansion for blowby? Keeps me up at night.... 1 like
mikenotgonnagetit LaRue starts selling bolts and I'll be buying em. Right now Lantac gets all of my bolt business, but I'm willing to change 2 likes
redoak.sooner Very nice!
ralph.haber You have one of the good profiles I've seen today 👌😸
schubert189 When can we buy bcg's and bolts?