Somebody asked for an M-110 / SR-25 handguard. Knowing we offered them years ago, the guys went digging ... and by golly, they found the box. ML larue #laruetactical #gunsofinstagram #deadcenterofprecision #madeintexas
650 likesrandomgyro 😱 !?Cuanto dinero?! 1 like
aggieislander Dibs 1 like
allisoncareygunworks !!!! 1 like
mikeb945 Want one 1 like
allisoncareygunworks Slickatinny coming in hot for AR10? 3 likes
clintbuchanan89 Ready for my CC number? 3 likes
beardlygrim I really need a SR-25 barrel nut for my Larue 13.2 AR10 rail... 1 like
1handofdoom Keep them coming! Without question I'd buy one!! 1 like
whitefang721 DPMS High spec please please please Mark. I have a lower ready for a build. If you offered DPMS spec barrels and high profile rails I'd spend some money with y'all. 2 likes
  -  whitefang721 @ovcharka_21 or more money with you I should say 2 likes
colormesouthern Oh it's beautiful 1 like
truckergainz Mark! Please make these again, I need one for my Armalite AR10 PLEASE!!!!!!! 2 likes
menjivar07_ If it wasn't for that round barrel nut looking device it would be perfect 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @chiefmenjivar ... Toby Keith has a song about you - "The Critic" 20 likes
  -  sattyboy4990 @laruetactical 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
christophermcarnes Please make these again! 1 like
frisco_rps13 Can't wait to get my LAT in the mail! So tired of this junk quad rail
catz_n_gatz Pls make for dpms high
mattsalberg10 Will a LAT rail require modification to the upper receiver? I saw somewhere the quad rails may require some dremeling to the upper.
matthew_oregonlife I desperately need some larue tactical in my life 👍
brianmaddalena Want!
slapptx 🤤