... Yours might be on here 🤷 Check your email 🎯 ML
1,066 likestwojsdad I may have to order another UUK and big block lower since you're putting them out so quick!
kdoepowers I drive for ups in AZ I wish I got to pickup from you guys everyday
jpl2911 Unlikely I ordered a 7.62 UU in October and was told 4 months. I called today and they said 10 more months. It will be an election year again when I get it 1 like
jkedsnake My mount and texas trinket is there 👏👏
bourbonpik This may be a dumb question but any idea on ETA for the stealth barrels ? 3 likes
  -  arctic_cowboy @bourbonpik same, I love drooling over the bcg and other shiny parts coming off the machines, but weep a little when I don't see any barrels 😢
45.mikemike 😢
sburn15 I wish 😢
dirtybirdtactical If I identify as the president, will you send me one?
jesslarude Turning and BURNING
richman6972 Y'all rock. I turned my boy on to y'all's product. He's ordering some stuff right now. I'm about to order an upper here in a minute....Texas strong! 1 like
roncarter1759 SPREADERS OF JOY!😍
fischermotorsports Any LT845 mounts buried in there!?
willkana Any SUURG kits in there?
carlieraythomas I don't understand ups refused to ship my ar15 parts out of Indianapolis
zackturnercompetitiveshooter I hope so
tdb19872 Mine was, and months ahead of schedule. Thanks LaRue!
davidjulier Do they send multiple trucks? Do you get your own truck?
howie997 Can i order one still ?
thumblessprimate I happily received mine a week ago 👏👏👏
paige_gunsmithing It is for sure.
dannytrossen Just ordered a 14.5" UU this morning.
aaron_telander Nope, 27 weeks and counting
  -  evlgreg @aaron_telander damn mine is going to be illegal before I even get it. 3 likes
  -  lsteffl02 @aaron_telander my condolences
  -  christiantomyn @aaron_telander you're right close to the time I was told. About 6 months
  -  isplityourwig @aaron_telander which UU kit did you order?
  -  aaron_telander @isplityourwig 22" 6.5CM UU 1 like
evlgreg I'm just wondering what the current length of the queue is. We're these guys ordered in November and December?
  -  jivesturkey @evlgreg doubt it. I ordered a UU 7.62 in mid January and got it a couple weeks ago.
  -  travismbrown @evlgreg ordered a predatobr in November still waitin
  -  jarredcarlyle @evlgreg UU kit 7.62 in early November. No email yet
  -  jonnymitchbjj @travismbrown same
  -  christiantomyn @evlgreg I was told 6 months about a month ago but I'd bet it's longer now.
  -  jpl2911 @evlgreg I ordered a 7.62 UU in October and was told will likely be waiting 10 more months
chumbief Yessss 🔥🔥🔥
arconcepts911 Hopefully triggers in there
vin.cert Whoa. Everyday lovin it.
madmatt360360 I check every damn day 😢 2 likes
jordanlrick No luck
warrior_of_the_weekend Does your UPS guy get a discount?
macfam_1996 🙋 Got my email today!
  -  honcho_allen @macfam_1996 what did you order? 1 like
  -  macfam_1996 @honcho_allen UU kit in 5.56
frankc157 Omg that's freaking beautiful
garrettd_11 Ordered my 12 inch UUK yesterday and it shipped today. Now just waiting on a lower!
  -  jonnymitchbjj @garrettd_11 how long ago did you order?
  -  garrettd_11 @jonnymitchbjj yesterday
  -  honcho_allen @garrettd_11 are you the guy who posted that on arfcom? Damn, I ordered a 16 inch UUK kit yesterday, no shipment
crunchymambo He is only doing 556 stuff. Not even close to 762 yet...or anything else. Waiting since October.
  -  mdunkin75 @crunchymambo 😂 October... I've been waiting since July for my 556
zavisoutlandishtravels Any eta on the SureFire SF3P flash hider? Ordered two 55 days ago.
  -  realmda13 @avisoutlandishtravels Unfortunately the entire industry is deep in the weeds, and most producers aren't prioritizing citizens. Larue has been adding production capability and throwing chips at a furious pace to reduce backorders. Order and wait isn't ideal, but it's the dish we've all been served.
juice405 Glad to see y'all killing it in these tough times tbh
gabe_lentz Patiently waiting for my Eotech and Lancer mag 🙏
optimalpainter Does ups request a escort for that load. 1 like
  -  tony_rust_3445 @optimalpainter .. 😎🤙 ..
freakinout I think I got an envelope on it
schudust I got mine this week and I regret not ordering 2 of them.... 👍👍👍 1 like
kepo.johnson I know I'm a few months out but I check it every day. Have been sense I ordered it. I get excited every time I check it knowing it's closer and closer. 1 like
  -  brandent1 @kepo.johnson lmao, don't ever buy a suppressor
  -  kepo.johnson @brandent1 why not
  -  tyler.deklend @kepo.johnson because they are 5 months plus
  -  kepo.johnson @tyler.deklend that'll be okay with me. The quality and performance is worth the wait to me.
  -  tyler.deklend @kepo.johnson 5 months wait for the ATF tax stamp.
  -  metallicasma @tyler.deklend do you happen to have an idea for how long a UU Kit 5.56 will take?
texasviking85 Freedom porn u s 1 like