... ☝ Part of today's UPS load ... thanks Henry Ford 💪
874 likesconnormtn I'm just praying to see my stealth receiver+handguard soon 😭 1 like
  -  jordys.world @connormtn you and me both 1 like
  -  connormtn @jordys.world I placed my order 2/22 when did you place yours?
  -  jordys.world @connormtn a little over 10 months ago
  -  connormtn @jordys.world 😭
  -  honcho_allen @jordys.world Bro at this point a second order would probably come in before the first one
  -  jordys.world @honcho_allen Larue advises they are waiting on parts specific to the Stealths. I'll hold the line 1 like
  -  honcho_allen @jordys.world hope you get yours soon buddy. You might be the longest waiting customer I've seen here.
  -  jordys.world @honcho_allen thanks brother. Haha maybe so!
  -  laruetactical @jordys.world ... Waiting on them to come out of our 150 CNC machine shop👀 1 like
  -  fanorwood @connormtn My order was placed last May...
  -  connormtn @fanorwood maybe we'll get them this year...
  -  jordys.world @laruetactical mark what's the deal, really? Am I better ordering a UU like everybody else here? 2 likes
  -  honcho_allen @jordys.world I gave in to the UU kit hype yesterday after waiting on my complete rifle order. Going to cancel whichever doesn't ship first.
  -  texas_flexin @laruetactical hell yeah i cant wait to get my stealth upper, i think it will pair nice with the larue lower
  -  texas_flexin @jordys.world dude i feel bad, im waiting on a larue stealth upper and seeing your comments makes me worried
akscott60 So nicely organized. 1 like
american_made_45 Any triggers going out the door soon?
kevinmichael_67 More 5.56?
egansback "Your order ( MBT-2S) has been placed on back order" ahh yes I can see why now 😭
  -  t_rob1108 I waited about 6 weeks for mine. Trust me when I say it's worth the wait. It's an amazing trigger. I'm gonna order more now for future builds lol 2 likes
  -  egansback @t_rob1108 yea I'm actually fine waiting for it. I'm just happy I'm going to get one and put it in a 300 blk shorty I'm piecing together currently ! 2 likes
  -  t_rob1108 Oh nice. It'll sing in that build. I think you may have just given me inspiration for one of the stripped lowers I just grabbed lol 2 likes
  -  egansback @t_rob1108 for real man I mean 300blk was made to be used in a short barrel and suppressed. Cant get much cooler than that. Mines pretty much ready to go waiting for this trigger, sights, folding stock, and then super waiting to suppress it 😂 Biden and the atf might ruin that before I can get to it 😂 2 likes
  -  t_rob1108 Very impressive. Yeah definitely performs well in the shorties. I hear that. I'm trying to get as much done as I can before that happens. This executive order thing is really scary 2 likes
  -  egansback @t_rob1108 yea I'm worried about it also but rest assured I will not comply. A man behind a fence with armed security surely won't be telling me I can't defend what's mine also 2 likes
  -  t_rob1108 Amen brother. Let them try taking my shit or telling me I can't carry in public lmao. I will continue carrying every day until the day I die. 2 likes
richman6972 I know the libtards are fuming at the sight of this... 2 likes
kevin.young.77582 Sweet.😍
cts304 That's a lot of happiness on one pallet
willkana SUURG kit gonna get some love soon?👏 2 likes
  -  honcho_allen @willkana waiting on mine as well, 300 BLK
kdoepowers Mine is on that stack I CANT FUCKING WAIT!!! 2 likes
p_ekasingh Once again I'm back in line Mark. 🙏
sicsempertyrannisaur Awesome! Hopefully my mbt2s and spr1.5 is in one of those boxes
mstilley14 7.62 OBR's????? @laruetactical
tdb19872 Over two months sooner than promised. Thanks for cracking along so diligently guys! Now I finally get to see if she lives up to the hype, for $800 it'll be a miracle if it's as excellent as it appears.