... Just sayin' 👀
1,623 likestpapaleo9 Waiting on a Stripped stealth upper. Got a Rearden steel barrel and Slick AR handguard just sitting here 😑🤞 1 like
  -  chinok9 @tpapaleo9 how long have you been waiting?
  -  texas_flexin @tpapaleo9 im waiting as well
  -  tpapaleo9 @chinok9 since May
  -  texas_flexin @tpapaleo9 @laruetactical
  -  tpapaleo9 @texas_flexin I'm extremely patient. I just get a little jumpy when I see all these UU kits going out lol. I've talked to LT a few months back and we're all good.
  -  texas_flexin @tpapaleo9 any ETA on the upper? Ive ordered one also but now im getting a little worried with all this gun ban stuff that maybe i wont get an upper before they pass these laws
  -  tpapaleo9 @texas_flexin last time I called it was 6-12 months from the order date. 1 like
r_drew86 Lol
texas_flexin @chinok9
adamrbooth The REAL President would surely appreciate your work. His son would!
dariiien Really hope I get my 18" Stealth upper I ordered in soon! I can't wait! Ordered back in December
richard_apex @laruetactical just waiting for the single stage flat bow trigger to come back in stock u s
bobjohns44_ He probably couldn't pass the nics check 10 likes
  -  laruetactical @bobjohns44_ ... They don't let you "Call A Friend" when filling out the 4473🤷 3 likes
the_airborne_fister Who are the Best two gun sales men ever? Answer is Obama and Biden!
rsviscardi 😂
jfftucker I ordered mine last week, am very excited.
  -  honcho_allen @jfftucker Get ready for a looooong wait
  -  jfftucker @honcho_allen it's ok, I'll be back in the states come next February I got time. 1 like
roanokeweaponry Please don't sell a Democrat a gun. Our lives depend on it
john_scot57 😂😂😂😂😂
texas_flexin @laruetactical
john_ullman_physique He wants a shotgun....cmon man. 1 like
patrick.a.johnson314 Can you engrave in Chinese?
jordys.world If he gets his before mine (10.5 months) I'll be pissed
bowhuntr09 I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire, much less give him an AR.
jealouscowbell If LaRue made a double rifle I would buy it. :). Joe might like that better too 1 like
  -  laruetactical @jealouscowbell ... My OCD would prevent me from ever correctly "registering" it. 2 likes
  -  jealouscowbell @laruetactical that is why I would buy it. It would be the best one made. 1 like
slappomatt But Joe isn't the president
richman6972 Hilarious
tcviking7 You know that it would be even more rare since you would supply it with a 30 or 60 round clip!
charles_helm Watch the Senate blow up the filibuster rule to pass a bunch of laws that wouldn't have changed anything. 2 likes
the_sultan_of_sausage Be better off building him a non binary potato doll. 21 likes
  -  cmjc102 @the_sultan_of_sausage bwahahah bro 🤣🤙🤘 1 like
hkump45carbine Make #43 one, he understands TEXANS 2 likes
ant.5150 Salesman of the month he is...or year(s). 1 like
chumbief Are you saying Larue is coming out with a double barrel shotgun?? 😂 12 likes
  -  tjstiles @chumbief 😂😂😂 2 likes
  -  the.crew.co @chumbief FIRE TWO BLASTS 3 likes
juice405 The ol double edge sword
djcdan5.56_ Lol serious face u s
thecodystone Don't make that senile pedo jack Shiite.
joewbyrd Send him a $20 gift card from Applebee's for being salesman of the month. 1 like
mattbunn12301 Glad I saw the writing on the wall and got my orders in awhile ago 1 like
  -  mdunkin75 @mattbunn12301 I've been waiting 9 months, so don't get to excited.
  -  mattbunn12301 @mdunkin75 my 16" UU came in 3 weeks, been almost 2 months waiting on my 20". But I knew what I was getting into. It's worth the wait.
osteoid As long as he could use it as a cane too he'd be set. 1 like
texas_flexin Will the stripped upper be affected? Im on back order and its the last piece i need to complete my build
nshep79 He'd go out on the balcony and fire it carelessly into the air
daddyscott2001 I thought you said you were all caught up?!?! @laruetactical 1 like
  -  laruetactical @daddyscott2001 ... We're actually steadily ploughing through the backorders, but today there was a new huge surge ... Someone said Chiden mentioned ARs 🤷 22 likes
bdclone Its because of all the orders and backlog that you should make him one and send a letter of thanks along with it
treylillich Who Trump?
mcg343 Best gun salesman in the country. 2 likes
kdoepowers So I'm thinking my Larue lower will be here before a ban but if a ban happens are the UU kits impacted? 3 likes