... That old Anilam is still kickin'. We use it for pin and welding ... a grand job for the old codgeru s Oh, and today's UPS pallet is growing. Watch your e-mail for ol' # 3 👀 ML
938 likesgunner_texas_03 😮
j.mar2382 We back to 6.5 creedmoor yet? @laruetactical
tony_rust_3445 🔥🔥🔥
sarcasmk1ng Leeetssss GOOOOOOOOOOOO
theofficialcoyotesden ETA on MBT 2-S curved? 3 likes
lcmc_saa 🙏🏾hope my rifle is getting shipped!!!
damien_5.4 When is the next batch of triggers shipping ? 2 likes
jordys.world Any word on Stealth Sniper Systems? 2 likes
evlgreg I just checked on the status of mine and the invoice date is today I hope that's a good sign.
aes_ucm 20" UU kits shipping soon, please?
juice405 🤞
honcho_allen Complete rifles?
haveachoke My first CNC lesson was on a Anilam.
  -  laruetactical @haveachoke AUX1000, G41, G01, X0.000 y2.000 Feed 5.0 1 like
  -  laruetactical @laruetactical ... It's been years, so that's my best stab at it🤓 1 like
  -  haveachoke @laruetactical sounds about right!
critstagram I got tracking today. Maybe number 3 is in my future 1 like
jordanlrick There some rails shipping out soon @laruetactical ?
vin.cert 18" uu 🙁 😢 anything larue is 🔥 thanks for keeping thoughs pallets full
ruckingrandy this a batch of suurg 5.56 uppers?
american_made_45 Any updates on straight bow MTBs?? Ordered one a month ago
45.mikemike Oh Please let it be for me! 🤞
toddroussell Obama an Biden now are the biggest reason gun sales are up.
666goatspullmychariot Just make sure to store your guns upstairs so Biden can't get em' 🤘
trailer_park_ginger The pin and weld job on my 14.5 was perfect. It does good work 😎
madunn83 I can give ol' Anilam a new forever home milling slides! I do pin/welds too so she won't get homesick! 😂u s