These drops off the waterjet could make a nice wrought iron fence. Barrel wrenches were cut from this 2'x4' harder-than-Kelsey's-nuts plate. ML #larue #laruetactical #precisionmachining #behindthescenes #machiningart
270 likesjosh.macintyre I would build a fence, or even a door to my chicken coop with that. Maybe even a fireplace screen would be cool. 1 like
bruceshibley Hang one in a wall!! @laruetactical
brett__2021 Looks rusty. Do you same blast them or something before coating them?
casadenewman I'd use it as a bar top and fill with acrylic. 1 like
worlds_okayest_soldier_ @laruetactical if you every need a water jet guy to work on your machine, the water jet service company I work for is based out of Houston.
thiswildadventure Now THIS is art.
redoak.sooner How much to ship? 😉
daddyscott2001 #machiningiscool 1 like
nelson_shooting_concepts Barrel wrenches must be for the new bolt guns @laruetactical 1 like
dzapper7 I saw someone selling their waterjet drops like these on Craigslist locally as "decorative art panels" only theirs were a mix of various parts on the sheets, nowhere near as nice of a pattern. They were asking a couple of bills or so for like 10 sheets of thin stainless IIRC.
j._gunz Sell it on Gunbroker....or the @ar15com EE. 😎
mergatroyd @laruetactical how much?