... LaRue Siete 6.5 Creedmoor bolt action takes 1st Place in it's division - debuts well at it's first PRS-style match ... all targets were 1 moa size and he was hitting 9" plates at 900 yards, in windy light snow. 💯🎯u s
1,427 likesnolegs_24 Soooo what match was it?? 2 likes
  -  these_my_pics88 @nolegs_24 I'm guessing prs match is used loosely 2 likes
braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap What match was this at?
armedcitizenresources Awesome!
honcho_allen Looks awesome!! Put it on the store so we can buy it 😛🤑😍
kellion970 Very nice👏👏
ghtomrk78 Well done
b5systems Excellent
mckeonekert Can't wait to shoot one.
dusty_silhavey_atxrealtor 🤘🤘
byrontabor NICE!!!!!!
kristof2319 Another winner from @laruetactical . Enjoying the show, sir.
jimpickens91 Cool story bro, when are you releasing them??
canemovium Congrats. Been following Siete progress for a while. When do you anticipate it hitting civilian market?
thecodystone Put me on the waiting list @laruetactical.
icecoldmn Snipe hunts have better luck than trying to order one of these.😂
cts304 Hell of a rifle, congratulations to you and the shooter
adayonthelake 🔥
jfrank0130 I got to shoot this last week. Wow, is all I can say. I am not a good shooter at distance, but this made me good. 700 yard shots! Unbelievably fun! 3 likes
burradooranch Great day with our best shooter 👏🧡 2 likes
  -  ccvomund @burradooranch thank you so much for the awesome videos and pictures. You guys sure know how to show support and we appreciate you very much. 1 like
these_my_pics88 Was this built for prs?
  -  laruetactical @these_my_pics88 ... No sir, it was built around my idea of an accurate rifle that would sell well. Then we got over-run with AR orders, keeping me from launching it, even though the Siete factory-in-a-factory is all set up here and ready to roll. 1 like
  -  these_my_pics88 @laruetactical I hope prs production class takes off so you guys can benefit with something a little more purpose built.
  -  laruetactical @these_my_pics88 ... Unless I miss my guess, PRS will be like 3-Gun, everybody rolling their own, driven by a pinch of superstition.
ac0311 So first place like the original post said or first in its division? What match was this at? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @ac0311 ... I'm on my way to demo my MRGG-S and MRGG-A to an invite-only .mil group out west. I asked a buddy to research the Wailing Wall of the match this thread is about. Here's the report - There were 49 shooters. Looks like the shooters were broken up into 3 groups - A, B, & C. Siete guy was reportedly top or #1 shooter in C Class. Translation ... 1st in his class but not overall winner of the match. So yeah, PRS-Style match, not a "PRS" match, and 1st in his division, not 1st overall. So, my apologies for being excited to see my made-from-scratch Bolt-Action rifle show well, with the news causing a handful of people to ruin their keyboards and others to piss their pants. 🤷
josh.macintyre Tits
thealmightyholland Is a 6.8 SPCII on the radar anytime soon?
og_scottiep 1-MOA plates everywhere. Sheesh they must like their small targets out west.
liketheroom What scope is he using? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @liketheroom ... Bushnell w/H59 6 likes
blue06lj Wish I could debut one in my gun safe 9 likes
ccvomund @burradooranch 🙌🏻u s 1 like
  -  burradooranch @ccvomund it was great seeing Mark in his civilian world having so much fun with a really nice group of people. The Weatherby tour was really informative topped off with a great dinner at the Rib and Chop. u s u s u s
vine_matt But when will the masses get one? Been impatiently waiting. 10 likes
spencer_powell87 Ready to buy one of these! 3 likes
m4colt223 My name is on the list 1 like
legionpreparedness Congratulations 👍 1 like
mike_dabid Texas is proud! 1 like
yorick_drd Waiting for years... 😌 1 like
topshotdustin Verified YESSSSSSS 1 like
mr1bryce1 Where did this take place?
rr12000000 Awesome. 🔥
briarbfirearms Thought they no longer existed. Like seeing a Dodo bird 6 likes
  -  saltydogphoto @briarbfirearms the mythical 🦄 1 like